Chapter 32- Am I falling for him again?

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*Reyna's POV*
I was beyond pissed. Why you may ask? I lost a battle! I don't take defeat well plus I have to date Nico for a day. This is just crazy. We are all set and sailing towards Detorian's base. I'm happy for Luke and Calypso though, they are a great couple.

"Reyna get dressed." Nico beamed.

He stood on my room's door and in his hand was a box. Okay what was in it? As the lid lifted I realized it was a black DRESS(picture on top). I do not wear dresses. Plus why would I wear a dress to war!?

"This is for you. Wear it and I had told Piper to help you. We have a date." He smiled.

"I'm not wearing a dress." I argued.

"My win, my rules." He smirked.

"I don't follow anyone else's rule." I said annoyed.

"Backing off warrior?" He smirked again. What were we in some bad boy romance novel?!

"Fine." I groaned and shut the door at his face.

A part of me was actually happy that Nico was trying so hard just to get me but another part was not letting me trust him again. I really didn't know what to do. That's when someone knocked at my door.

"Hi." Piper greeted as I opened the door.

"Hi." I smiled politely letting her in.

"Wear the dress and we'll cover it. Then I'll do your hair and makeup." Piper suggested and I nodded. I just hated the idea of make up actually.

Changing into the black dress I realized that it only came upto my mid thigh. It's black material felt so smooth on my skin. After two hours of work, Piper finally looked at my appearance and smiled. I looked in the mirror and I was shocked.

I didn't look me. The warrior was gone and for once I looked like a normal teenager going on a date. I smiled and thanked Piper. Nico was going to come in 5 mins so I sat on my bed doing nothing. Nico was on time and he didn't bother to knock and just entered.

"You know normally people knock right?" I asked disinterested.

"I ain't normal." He smiled.

He was looking hot as ever. He wore a tuxedo but his jet black hair were messy as usual. Gosh, why were his charms irresistible? I never felt something so strong towards ANY other guy. His smile made me melt and his touch sent shivers down my spine. I sound so girly girly right now! Reyna man up!

"Let's get over with it?" I say and he nods.

Blindfolds me and I sigh. So cliché. He held my hand and my heart was beating faster. I knew he was going to shadow travel. I was wondering what he had planned. I felt the weird puking like feeling so I knew we had already shadow travelled.

"Nico can I get the blind fold off?" I asked.

"Patience warrior girl." He said.

"Oh gods whatever it do it faster." I complained.

"Okay done." He said finally and the blindfold was taken off my eyes.

I gasped at the site before my eyes. It was beautiful! We were in the middle of a forest and there was a lake in the view. I spotted a table for two placed near the lake but not very close. The table and chairs were covered in white silky cloth.

Food was already set on the table and a bottle of champagne lay there to. Like a gentleman Nico pulled out the chair for me and sat across me once I was comfortable.

"If you don't like the food, just tell me. I'll order something. I tires my best." He said shyly.

"You cooked?" I asked astonished.

"More like tried." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.


Hi! They are on a date! Wooohoo! I hope they patch up! Will Reyna fall for Nico's charms?


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