Nico - Meeting the powerful

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The scene reminded me of the underworld but I felt purity not the dead and fear. I felt like something more powerful than the gods was here. I had been in the presences of many gods and being a child of Hades I have strong and trustworthy feelings. Everyone looked puzzled. Even Austin that’s Poseidon looked confused. Whatever this was if it was in our favor good or else we were in deep trouble and this time there would be no escape.

A swirling hole opened in mid-air. It seemed to radiate tremendous amount of energy. Forget the gods, it seemed more powerful than Ouranos himself. The hole was black but its constant swirling made it look deep blue. It was some kind of portal maybe. Out of the portal stepped a figure in a long black coat. What is it with black? Austin seemed to calm down a bit.

“Lord Chaos” Austin (Poseidon) bowed. We followed because if a god bows to something, it is pretty important.

“Raise my children.” The figure said.

“Who is this?” Annabeth asked.

“I am Chaos my child. Anything in this entire universe is mine and I am created by the universe.” Chaos introduced.

“What have I told you about the formality Poseidon?”

“Sorry Chaos but it is Austin.” Austin smiles.

“How are we not aware about the owner of the universe?” Percy asks.

“It was hidden from all demigods. Only Hades, Zeus and I knew about this.” Austin says.

“Yes, that is true my little hero.” Chaos answers Percy.

“Why have you contacted us now Lord Chaos?” Reyna asks.

“Disowned daughter of Bellona, but a great warrior who makes correct choices. I have come to take you.” Chaos says.

“So Lord Chaos, why are you with us when the king of gods wants us dead?” Annabeth asks.

“Disowned daughter of Athena but a great logistic. You all demigods, especially Percy have caught my attention. I have never really been involved in Earth’s matters but the way all of the gods repaid you, I didn’t like it.”

“Chaos, you have always been kind to me.” Austin says.

“What do we do Lord Chaos?” I ask.

“Son of Hades or I can say Prince of the underworld! You have done very well too. I have an offer for you all.”

“What might that be lord Chaos?” Annabeth asks.

“I am making an army. I need the best. Percy can be the first in command, Nico the second, Annabeth the third and Reyna the fourth. Poseidon can join me in the rule. I need a wise and calm man like him.” Chaos offers.

“I think we should go.” I agree Reyna nods too.

“Okay then.” Annabeth, Percy and Poseidon agree too.

“But how do we get an army?” Reyna asks.

“I have talked to Hades, we can take the dead. We will get them alive and they will join our army. All of you will have new names.” Chaos says.

“Well then, let’s go?” I say.

“Yes, step in the portal after me.” Chaos says. One by one, all of step into the portal and are swallowed by darkness. This is worse than shadow travelling! I feel like emptying my stomach but the glory of the new place we are in make my mouth drop open.

“Welcome to planet Chaos!” Chaos announces.

The ground is black and you can see all galaxies in the sky. This place is much more modern than the human world and all kinds of equipments are being used by the people. There are high rise towers each one of them above 100 floors and plants and trees are everywhere. A planet could not be better!

“Wow” I comment.

“This is amazing!” Percy says.

“OMG” Reyna comments.

“We are gonna have fun!” Austin joins in.

“Wait till you see your rooms.” Chaos increases the excitement. And the rooms are totally amazing! I have never seen anything like this!

My room was black. Chaos did keep my favorite color in mind. The black walls had my most beautiful picture printed on it. It was me and Reyna together looking at the night sky. The ceiling was filled with stars. Stars, call me a kid but I love stars. They are my hope. The balcony was even great. I could change the view according to my feelings. The room was well equipped. I could just call for food, it had the world’s best music system, television, and best part is that everything was voice activated! How cool is that! Reyna came into my room.

“Is that my picture?” She blushes.

“Is warrior girl blushing?” I tease.

“You don’t have a death wish do you?”

“Nope, come let’s see your room.” I suggest. We go see Reyna’s room and it is not really different just that all her walls are red and orange. The picture on the wall is the same and the ceiling is painted with a collage of her favorite weapons.

“Let’s go see Annabeth’s room?” Reyna says.

“Sure, let’s go see everyone’s rooms!” I say.

Annabeth’s room is full of different and vibrant colors. The pictures on the wall are of Percy and her underwater and well kissing. While the ceiling is filled with the collages of her favorite books Divergent, Hunger Games, TFIOS etc.

Percy’s room is awesome! It is sea green in color and the picture on the wall is same as Annabeth. But the ceiling has a huge trident on it supreme commander is printed on it. His balcony is also different. It has his happy memories of CHB especially with Reyna, Annabeth, Poseidon and Me. It also has sad memories triggered by his feelings.

“Let’s so see dad’s room?” Percy says and we nod. For Poseidon’s room, I have no words. It is the best. Not only the balcony but also the walls change pictures according to his feelings. It is fabulous.

“Chaos has asked us to assemble in the meeting hall. It is time we choose who we want alive for the army.” Poseidon/Austin says.

“Let’s go, I have mistakes to correct.” Percy says. By that, I know what he means. He means Bianca……


The chapter you guys waited for is here! Well I had hard time writing this up but I’m sure the next update will be really soon and you guys won’t have to wait! N feedback appreciated!

Lots Of Luv XOXO,

Fangirl_Leo (Vad).  

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