Chapter 28- The Truth

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*Luke's POV*

"Why are you here?!" I roared.

"Please Luke listen to me. I am on your side."


"No! Nico sent me here to pretend and get information."

"You can't fool me again Calypso. All you are is a worthless bitch!" She flinched at my tone but kept speaking.

"I love you." She confessed.

"Not falling for it again."

Just then I heard footsteps and so Calypso hid behind the couch. Detorian and Kronos entered the room.

"Luke" Detorian smirked.

"I'll tell you why we are here? We are here because the little hope your friends had against Detorian is going to be crushed." That sentence caught my attention.

"I have a son named Tyler. Unfortunately only HE can destroy me and he is currently at Camp. But we are gonna kidnap him." Detorian said.

By mistake Calypso move the couch a little and Detorian saw her and she ran outside. Almost immediately Detorian sent Kronos after her. Was she really on our side? This was an act right? After sometime all my questions were answered because in came unconscious Calypso dragged by Kronos. They tied her to a chair.

"Lover boy's magic worked." Kronos said looking at me.

"Did she disclose anything?" Detorian asked.

"Nah hh...I caught her before that."

"At least she was a good f*ck" Detorian smirked.

"Don't talk about her like that!" I roared.

"Oooo....I'm scared." Kronos fake shivered.

"Let them both be here." Detorian said and walked out along with Kronos.

Calypso, she loved me. She actually did love me! She changed for me! She never lied, it was all true! Happiness filled me but it soon went away as I realized if we would stay here she would get tortured too. O had to do something. That's when I realized Calypso was tied using ropes!

"Calypso" I yelled.

"Mmmmhhmmm..." She muttered as her eyes flung open.

"Luke?" She said.

"I love you Calypso. I know you are on my side."

"I love you too Luke." She smiled.

"Did you tell Nico about that Tyler guy?" I asked.

"No, Kronos caught me before I could." She said and I sighed.

"We HAVE to to get out of here." I said.

"Yea but how?"

"I will help you with the knife I have and then you do something to get me out." I said and she nodded.

Somehow, my hands reached my shoe and I removed the pocket knife I had there. Holding it in my hand, I threw it on Calypso's lap and she used it to cut her ropes. She searched her pockets for something and when she held it out, I smiled. The keys to my chains.....

*Percy's POV*
I was fast asleep when someone barged inside. Oh gods. Nico came in followed by Reyna and Annabeth. What was it now?

"Uh Hi?" Nico said unsure of how to start.

"Oh for Chaos sake tell us why we have been woken up in the middle of night!" Reyna yelled.

"What do you want to tell that couldn't wait till morning?" Annabeth asked.

"Okay, I know I messed up but do not interrupt me and please keep listening." Nico said and we nodded.

"So, Calypso was on Detorian's side but then she fell in love with Luke. That day when Luke caught her speaking to Detorian, she was going to stop working for him. When Luke saw her, she came to me for help. We made a plan. Calypso went to Detorian and was acting as my spy. But Luke being Luke went to rescue her. Tonight she IMed me saying that Luke is being tortured and her cover has blown. Before she could tell me how to defeat Detorian, the message blacked out." Nico narrated.

Annabeth's mouth hung open and I gasped. Reyna was frozen in shock and confusion. What will we do now?.....

Hi guys!! I LOVED this chapter!!! I hope you all like it too!


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