Chapter 15- Traitor

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*Omega/Percy's POV*
I snapped out of it! I broke the effect of the serums and held her in my arms to stop her from falling. What did I do? I lay her on the ground calling her name again and again.

"She is gone." Will declared.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Percy it is you." Hazel said in realization. They know because Annabeth called my name out loud. With that Reyna, Nico, Luke and Calypso all put their hoods down.

"L-Luke" Clarisse stuttered.

"Calypso?" Leo spoke.

But nothing mattered. For the first time in years my eyes filled with tears and then they flowed down my cheeks and I hugged Annabeth's lifeless body.

"She is gone buddy." Luke said touching my shoulder comfortingly.

"No!" I snapped again.

This time red-black light surrounded me. I could feel the power surge within me. I felt very strong. I focused on Annabeth's wound hoping for it to heal. Then something happened.

"Percy" Annabeth coughed.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Reyna jumped with joy.

I fell to the ground feeling drained of energy. Dizziness consumed me. I saw Annabeth being taken somewhere and then everything went black......

*Calypso's POV*
She didn't die. A part of me was happy she didn't die but the other wasn't. I work for Detorian and he will not take this new lightly. I walked into the woods unnoticed.

Only one thought swirled in my mind, Luke. Why did his best ouch, hugs effect me so much even if all the things I had with his were a lie? Why did his presence make butterflies fly in my stomach? I'm now sure I live him. I have to quit Detorian's army. I have to be with Luke. I swiped my hand in the sky to create a message to Detorian.

"Ahh...Calypso. Good to hear from you." Hr smiled.

"Annabeth is alive and well." I replied.

"How?!" His smile dropped.

"Love" I answered.

"Nonsense!" He roared.

"I can't run your errands anymore." I told him.


I was about to answer but the message disappeared and I heard a twig snap. I turned behind to find Luke.

"You betrayed us!" He yelled.

"Luke I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!"

"You and me were a lie! You cheated and I actually liked you! You messed me up all over again!" He accused.

"I lo---"

"Don't!" He stopped me mid sentence.

"Get lost. Get away from me. As far as you can. I'll tell the others what you were but I'm giving you a chance run away or we will kill you." He said in n a cold tone and walked away.

I stood there for about an hour thinking about what happened. Then I opened my wings and flew away just like Luke wanted. J flew to Detorian's actual base because they would accept me.

"Detorian I'm at your service again." I bowed.

"Very well. I know what happened at camp. NB ow you along with Electro will lead my army in the battle which is near. Be ready." Detorian said seriously. I nodded.

I walked to my old room at Detorian's base and sat in my bed listening to music. Why did I have to d be this? If I'd didn't I could stay there at CHB with Luke forever and we would finally be an actual couple. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I put my head on pillow. Crying, I drifted off to sleep.

So here it is! Sorry for the late update but my computer is spoilt so yes....

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