Chapter 8 - Finding Jason

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*Luke/Swordmaster's POV*

"We can be detained!" Calypso giggles as I pull her towards the tent castle.

"I asked Percy for permission." I smile.

"So he knows?" She asks.

"Yup" I smirk.

"Well then, coffee?" She asks.

"Take a seat, I'll do the honors." I smile.

I quickly make some coffee and Calypso waits for me on the sofa. She sits there like the angel of my dreams. I sit right beside her and hand her the coffee mug. We talk, laugh and giggle. Slowly we start coming closer to each other. There is hardly any distance left between us. I make a move and bring my lips closer to hers' and she smiles again.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I ask.

"Do it already!" She commands and I close the distance between us. My lips move on hers' and I get the best feeling in the world. But then we pull apart because we hear hooting. The team is back....... Calypso and I blush.

"Oooo...... Blushing!" Silena squeals.

"Guys stop" Calypso blushes.

"Awww....." Bianca squeals.

"Totally cute man" Frank and Beckendorf say.

"Come on guys!" I say and Calypso hides her face in my shirt.

"That's so sweeeettttt!!!" Annabeth says. I don't see Nico anywhere.

"Okay guys listen stop now and Percy we need to talk." I say and Percy nods. We both go outside the castle tent.

"What is it Luke?" Percy asks.

"Where is Nico?" I ask.

"He said he wanted to go in the woods and then just disappeared." Percy says.

"We should go and search for him dude." I say and that's when Nico comes in with JASON?

"What the hell is this Alpha?" Percy yells.

"Don't ask and just ready a bed!" He says. We rush to my room and Nico lays Jason on my bed. He looks wounded and he body is completely burnt. We pour some nectar down his throat and he gulps it instantly. His wounds only start to heal.

"So Nico spill" I say.

"Whatever I say stays between us." Nico says.

"Okay fine but we can tell this to Delta and Sigma right?" Percy asks.

"NO" Nico says.

"Fine" I agree and Percy nods.

"So when we were going out, I was this weird red button like thing on a tree. I asked you and went to the tree and pressed that button. A trapdoor opened and when I went inside, I found Jason." Nico says.

"These wounds don't look fresh." I say.

"But he was perfectly fine the whole day." Nico says.

"I knew it!" Percy yells.

"Knew what?" I ask.

"That guy at camp is not Jason....." Percy declares.

*Unknown POV*

"Where is he?!" I roar.

"I don't know." Electro says.

"You idiot! Detorian will be furious!" I yell.

"I know he will but you girl don't get to shout at me!" Electro yells back.

"Shut up! We need to find him! If anyone from Convelation or the camp gets hold of him we will be finished!"

"I'll search the woods?" Electro asks.

"Yes and search all the cabins too, you have the authority." I order.

"What about the Convelation tent?" Electro asks.

"I'll do it, I have easy access to that place." I say.

"Can I keep the girl?" Electro asks.

"What girl?" I ask.

"Piper, the girl who likes Jason." Electro says.

"That foolish and worthless daughter of Aphrodite is of no use to me. You can have her." I say.

"Okay then." Electro smirks.

"But remember, she should not know who you are. We need to keep this a secret." I say.


"Well she is in command with you so you should have complete control over her and she should do whatever you say. This will help us to control the camp." I say.

"Sure it will" Electro says.

"Now I have to return to the castle tent or the army will be suspicious." I say.

"Okay, I will start my search." Electro says and I leave.

I rush into the castle tent and walk towards my room. I hear voices from Luke's room and it is not just Luke in there, there is Percy and Nico too. I wait for some time to listen to them but the words are not clear and I can't hear anything so I run up to my room.

I lay on my bed thinking about what the that conversation was about and that is how I fall asleep.


Okay so now this is the mystery. Jason's duplicate is here, that girl? Who is she? Actually even I don't know..... Kidding. You guys will know just wait for some more timeeee.


Lots of Luv XOXO,


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