Chapter 30- The Challenge

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*Percy's POV*

Nico, Reyna and I were treasuring the last moments we had before the war. We sat together in the Castle's living area and were discussing the rules of Nico and Reyna's bet. Nico really wanted Reyna back and I was with him. He did a mistake but come on the guy loves her. If he had cheated on her something, I would kick his ass myself. That's when Annabeth came in with Tyler. What she spoke left us completely confused.

"But how did Detorian's monsters get here?" Reyna questioned.

"I don't know." Annabeth stated.

"Why did they want to kill Tyler?" Nico asked.

"Because he is very powerful." I spoke.

"No, he didn't want to kill me." Tyler said.

"What do you mean?" Reyna asked.

"They wanted to take me somewhere. They didn't do a single move to hurt me." Tyler stated. We all stood silent for a moment processing the new information.

"They wanted to kidnap Tyler." Annabeth concluded.

"This means whatever Tyler's identity is, he is a very important aspect of the war." Nico said and I nodded.

"Yes, he is your key to winning." A foreign voice said.

I turned behind and a smile made its way on my face. In front of my eyes stood my brother, my best friend and his girlfriend Luke and Calypso.

"Oh.My.God." Reyna gasped and rushed to hug Calypso.

"Luke man, proud of you." Nico said saluting.

"Asshole" I muttered and punched him in the stomach.

"Shit" He hissed in pain.

"Ooo....getting all weak are we?" I smirked.

"Whatever." He smiled and we shook hands.

"Luke" Annabeth smiled and hugged him.

"This is like a reunion!" Calypso said chirpy.

"Hi I'm Tyler." Tyler said.

"It is him." Calypso said and Luke nodded in response.

"You both know him?" I asked.

"We don't know him we know about him." Luke said.

"What about him?" Annabeth asked.

"And what did you want to tell me over the IM?" Nico questioned.

I noticed the tiredness in Luke's eyes and I know he was tortured because I felt it. I know he has wounds deeper than Convelation can imagine. So I did what a leader should do.

"We still have 12 hours before we set course for war so let's give Luke and Calypso a 3 hour rest and then we shall talk about it." I decided.

"Yea, that's perfect. Until then let us get my challenge sorted out." Nico suggested.

"Ughh..." Reyna groaned while I explained the challenge to Annabeth and Tyler.

Calypso and Luke were sent straight to the infirmary. We walked to the arena but the bet was slightly changed. Because we were going for war early, Nico could date Reyna for only 1 DAY. This one day is the travel time we will need to reach Detorian's base.

"Let the battle begin." I announced.

Reyna raised her sword and Nico his spear. Reyna attacked but Nico swiftly deflected it. That's when stuff changed. Reyna stood close to Nico so that his lips were hovering hers. Okay this is a battle strategy. Annabeth uses it on me.

Suddenly the closeness was gone and Reyna's sword drove through Nico's left arm. His arm was quickly loosing blood and he fell to the ground unconscious. Okay this is a strategy too, he isn't actually unconscious.

Reyna sat on her knees shaking Nico's body waking for him to wake up. Her eyes were drooped. I ignored the pain in my arm (due to Nico's injury). Just then Nico woke up and pinned Reyna to the ground.

"I win" He smirked.

"Oh you do." I smiled.

"Cheater" Reyna huffed and stomped away towards the castle tent.

"Oh come on!" Nico groaned before following her.

I so want Reyna and Nico to get together! And ohh ohh what shall happen when Percy, Nico, Annabeth and Reyna come to know about who Tyler really is?


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