Chapter 20- Spy or not?

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*Reyna's POV*

"Why are you here with a shirtless guys?" Annabeth eyes me weirdly.

"I--- just look!" I say and turn Tyler around so that his back is visible to them. They all gasp in horror.

"You guys are creeping me out. Can I go?" Tyler asks.

Is he a traitor? What do we do? I get my answers when I see Nico shadow traveling behind Tyler and Percy concentrating on the the surroundings. Soon we are all teleported to our secret base under the big house.

"The f***!?" Tyler exclaims when he realizes he is tied to a chair with Chaos silver chains.

"Who are you?" Percy demands.

"I'm Tyler for f**k sake! Let me go!"

"Yelling won't get you anywhere." Annabeth advices.

"How and why do you have that symbol on you?!" Nico investigates.

"I don't know man!" Tyler replies.

"This is Detorian's symbol! How do you have it?!" Nico yells.

"I don't fu**ing know! Come on Reyna tell them!" Tyler yells.

"I don't think he is danger guys." I say and Nico glares at me.

"Of course he is danger!" Nico says.

"No" I reply.

"Why do you think so?" Annabeth asks.

"My instincts seem to kick in plus why would he tell me about the mark if he was a spy?" I say.

"It could be a trap for all we know!" Nico says.

"No man!" Tyler says.

"You don't have a say in this!" Nico yells punching Tyler in the face.

"Holy Chaos!" I curse as I see Tyler's lip bleed.

"Nico you are assigned for interrogation." Percy says.

"But just calm it down a bit. We aren't sure if he is at fault." Annabeth says and Nico nods.

"Come in Reyna! You know I didn't do anything!" Tyler says but I ignore it.

Percy, Annabeth and I move out of the base and go to the Castle tent. Why was Nico being so violet? Probably because of what a traitor did to Luke? But I know Tyler is different. Hr has the ability to help us and all he needs is proper training. We sit in the living room discussing the upcoming war.

"I think we should postpone it until the Tyler matter is solved." Annabeth says.

"Yea we should." Percy agrees.

"Let's not tell the campers though. Let them prepare as if the war is a week later." I suggest.

"Prefect" Percy comments.

I walk up to my room a thousand thoughts swirling in my head. As I enter my room I find Nico sitting on my bed.....

*Nico's POV*
I know Tyler is nothing but trouble. After the three of them leave, I start my interrogation. I'm going to get the truth out of him.

"Dude trust me I haven't done anything! I don't even know who Detorian is!" Tyler speaks and I punch him in the gut.

"Speak the truth and I'll spare you the torture."

"I don't know anything!" And that earns him two punches in the face and gut.

"I'll come back to you later." I say.

I wipe the blood off my fists and shadow travel into Reyna's room. I'm pretty sure my punches bruised him. But why does Reyna trust that gut so much?! Just because he had abs? I don't think so, I have better abs and plus Reyna isn't that type of a girl. I sound like a girl right now! The door of the room opens and in comes Warrior girl.


"Hey" she smiles but it does not reach her eyes.

"Hey" I say and she sits on the bed.

I put my lips on hers and she responds after a second. I push her back on the bed kissing her passionately. Slowly I move to her neck and suck on the soft skin. She moans in pleasure. But as I tug on the helm of her top she pulls back.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't feel like it." With that she leaves.....

Hi! Hope you all liked it! Vote and comments on Reyna's behavior????


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