Chapter 29- The Great Escape

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*Luke's POV*
Once I was free of the chains, Calypso and I started planning an escape. It was going to be a bit difficult. We searched the room for weapons but all we found was a metal rod. I handed Calypso the rod while I took the knife from her.

"There is an explosives room right next to ours." Calypso stated.

"Okay great. So I push the door open and we fight our way out. You get into the room that has explosives and blast it. Both of us then run out of this place using the explosion as a distraction." I plan and Calypso nods.

In our push the door breaks open and we both rush out. I make way for Calypso killing the Detorites(monsters that are commanded by Detorian). I watch as Calypso slips into the room and I wait for her to come out.

After about two minutes when I have killed the guards, Calypso comes out of the room and we run towards the other side. When we are on the opposite side of the room, there is a loud 'bang!' and all Detorites rush towards the sound.

Calypso and I hold hands and run to the exit. Our way isn't blocked and my plan is working. Pushing the exit door open, both of us sigh. We are finally free.

"Wings?" I ask.

"Wings." Calypso nods.

We both smile and spread our wings out and fly in the air. At last we are free and this time I'm sure Calypso likes me and I like her too. We soar in the air and then steadily glide towards camp half-blood.

*Annabeth's POV*
I stand there shocked. It was something I wasn't expecting. What would we do now? Everyone looked at me hoping for a plan or some idea at least but I stood there, clueless.

"I think it is time for war." Percy declared and cheers rose in the crowd.

"Well then everyone pack your bags and board the ships as per the lists by noon." Nico said.

People dispersed and most were happy that finally they would get revenge. Reyna sent a message to Chaos that we would step in battle. But one thing bothered me, what did Calypso want to say?

"Nico, Reyna, Percy, you guys go ahead. I need some time to think." I said and walked to my thinking spot, the lake of course.

It was quite at first but then I heard clashing of swords. I heard roars and battle cries. I rose from my spot and walked the little further to find Tyler surrounded by weird looking monsters. Oh heck.

"Tyler!" I yelled and jumped into battle.

Using my dagger and speed I swiftly fought those creatures and so did Tyler but Tyler was much better. We fought until all of the monsters dissolved in to nothing and then I stared at Tyler demanding answers.

"I don't know Annabeth." Tyler stated and I sighed.

"Why were you here?" I asked.

"I have been having dreams and I needed to clear my head. I--- I have been having Detorian in my dreams." Tyler confessed.

"Oh good gods. Tyler you tell me that NOW! Let's go we have to talk to the rest." I said and he nodded.

We walked to the castle and Nico, Reyna and Percy were in the living room discussing some fight or bet I don't know exactly. That's when they noticed Tyler and I.

"Guys we have an emergency situation. Tyler got attacked and not just by and normal monster but by Detorian's monster....." I reveled.

Wooohoo! Boom Boom! Detorian's kidnapping FAILED! Muahhaahaaahaa!


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