Chapter 13- Deep Trouble

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*Percy/Omega's POV*

When the light returned to my eyes, I was in a different place. It seemed like the room Reyna described. Then I recalled the figure and everything. The same figure stood in front of me. Now that light fell on his face, I stay stunned.

"Chaos?!" I exclaimed.

"No Omega, Chaos didn't tell you did he? I'm Detorian Chaos's BROTHER!" Detorian roared.

"He must have been ashamed." I spat.

"Don't play tough young nephew." Detorian said.


"Yes Omega. The time you were titled the heir of Chaos's throne, you became a son of chaos."

"So evil uncle what is your sad past?" I joked.

"I wanted to rule after chaos but he hated me! Always brought his sons forward! So one by one I kill all three of them because they weren't worthy. But Chaos? He threw me into he VOID!"

"Sad life" I commented but Detorian didn't loose hos calm.

"You filthy demigod are just another foolish kid who is not worthy of the throne and I shall prove it!"

With that a sword slashed my back making a huge gash appear. I hissed in pain. Then a dagger was plunged into my knee followed by my shoulder. I scremt in agony. My shirt was put on fire but the fire was put off before I could turn into ashes. He didn't want to kill me. If he did, he would have done it by now.

"This is just the beginning. Let's try that little drug I gave your friends." Detorian smirked.

"Bring it on" I smirked back.

A strange purple looking liquid was injected into my body along with a dirty green colour one. My eyes started to close and body began shivering but then a sudden surge of energy withen me made me snap back to the real world and my eyes flung open.

"You are so far the toughest son of Chaos. I'll give you that." Detorian said.

"Buttering me so that I don't beat your sorry ass?" I asked.

"Join me and I shall reward you!" He offered.

"No can do uncle! What is it with all you baddies on Earth? Always asking me to join. First Kronos then Gaia and now you."

"You leave me no option. I have to use the machine I actually created for Chaos."

That made my smile dissappear. If whatever this was worked on Chaos.... Just then Jason, I mean Electro entered the room with a huge machine. I have to admit I was scared but my face showed nothing. Red lasers shot from the machine on my forehead and in my eyes. It was very painful first. It felt as if the lasers were burning my soul. Something that was beyond the reach of any normal machine. Then it felt plain. Finally everything went black. Is this how dieing felt?

*Luke/Swordmaster's POV*

I woke up and sat on the couch in the living room when my eyes fell on a letter. I read its content and my body froze. He did not! I yelled for everyone to cone down but only Nicole, Calypso and Reyna did because the rest were off for another mission by Chaos.

I read aloud the letter:
"Dear Convelation,
Hi,when you get this letter ill be gone. I'm going to the enemy base camp. I'm going alone because I can't risk anymore lives. Our attack plan remains if I don't return but I had to take this chance. I know you'll find this stupid but hey I'm called Seaweed Brain for a reason! DO NOT FOLLOW OR TRY TO FIND ME. If I don't return you guys have to lead so stay there. I'll be back soon. Luv you wise girl.

"Shit" Reyna cursed.

"We need to go find him." I say.

"No" Nico denys.

"What? Why?" Calypso asks.

"We have to lead guys. Let's face it Omega is the best and he will return but if he does not, we are needed here more than ever!" Reyna explains and everyone nods.

Just then there's an explosion outside. Please let it not be another attack! I reach out to find a condition of havoc. Then I spot Percy. I notice his eyes, they are red and his skin a way more paler then usual. Another drug. He is leading an entire army of weird creatures.

We are in trouble and this time it is impossible to win.

Heya! That's for this chapter. Next update coming up soon! Enjoy!


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