30 - End

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After taking in our surroundings it was Thomas that first noticed the people sitting behind a window. They looked like ghosts and seemed like they had never experienced happiness in their lives and their opinions matched the general idea I had of people who would trap a bunch of teenagers in a maze.

Minho seemed to be the angriest out of us as we stared at the creators and reacted the quickest to them after getting over the initial shock that standing barely fifty feet from us was the people who had made our lives hell since we arrived in the Glade.

"I'm gonna break your faces!" he screamed loudly and nearly every glader winced at how loud he was yelling.

"What do we do?" I whispered to Thomas "What are they waiting for?"

Everyone muttered ideas about what the creators were waiting for, the more common one being that they had revved the grievers back up but I refused to believe that. Before I could say anything on the matter, a loud beeping bounced off of every wall and pierced everyone's eardrums and all of us turned to Thomas for an answer as to what was happening but he only shrugged.

The beeping cut off as quickly as it had started and everyone turned to look in the direction of two double doors to see them swinging open and three figures walked through the door. A woman walked in with two others with hoods covering their faces so we couldn't tell who they were, not that we would be able to tell with our memories being wiped but it made everyone a lot more uneasy since they couldn't see their faces.

The woman walked forward and the two others walked behind her, the only sound coming from the heels of her shoes as she walked on the tiles of the lab. She stopped a few meters away from us and finally spoke but showed no emotion on her face or in her voice.

"Welcome back," she started "Over two years and so few dead. Amazing."

I felt my jaw slack open at the same time as Newt stepped up, face red with anger and his hands clenched at his side.

"Excuse me?" He hissed

"Everything has gone according to plan, Mr Newton. Although we expected a few more of you to give up along the way." I felt myself stiffen as she said Newts name, the way she said it and how she had said it sent chills down my back and I glared at her and the other people who were still staring at us behind the glass.

Just then the woman looked at her two tag-along's and each of them dropped their hoods so we could see their faces.


and Davis

Gally was shaking uncontrollably while Davis had a smirk on his face and looked completely at ease with the entire situation. I glared at him and turned back to the woman to ask her what was going on but Newt beat me to it.

"You're safe now, please be at ease." She said calmly

Minho demanded to see a series of people, even though none of actually knew if those people actually existed and the woman scolded him like he was a child which got me even more riled up. My hands were clenched into tight fists and my nails were digging into my skin. The pain in my hands from my nails seemed to trigger the pain I had on my side and I immediately gasped and put my hand over the gash, only to pull it back and see blood covering my palm.

Thankfully nobody noticed the blood because everyone was too occupied watching Gally as he clawed at his throat and tried to spit out words that he couldn't speak. It reminded me of what I had heard about Alby when he had been unstable after the changing and had tried choking himself.

I snapped my head up when I heard a loud 'click' that reminded me of the memory I had about when I had been shot and sent up into the maze.

When I looked up I saw Gally throwing a dagger at Thomas and Davis holding a gun in his hands, his eyes staring at me with a malicious gleam to them.

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