22 - Awake

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Time stood still as I lay  beneath Newt, eyes wide open as my brain tried to process what he had actually just said.

I love you

I love you




Newt seemed equally as shocked by his own words while I lay beneath him, gawking at him and staring like a fish out of water as my mouth opened and closed.

"I mean, I-um well uh," Newt tried but failed to say a full sentence as he rolled off of me and sat up as he ran his hands through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I shouldn't have said that. Sorry Sky I just got caught up in the moment and - ugh - bloody hell I've screwed this up." He put his head in his hands and refused to look at me so I took matters into my own hands, my shocked reaction to his words fading away as I looked at how nervous and distressed he seemed.

"Newt, look at me." I said softly but when he refused to I kneeled in front of him and asked again and the second time he did look up to me, slowly raising his head but not meeting my eyes.

"Did you mean that?" I asked

He slowly nodded his head and a smile graced my lips as I looked at how embarrassed he seemed.

"Then don't be sorry." I mumbled softly as I pushed my lips against his and kissed him softly. He didn't react immediately but once he got over the initial shock of what I was doing he moved his lips with mine in sync in a slow and passionate kiss.

We broke away slowly and rested our foreheads together. "You just shocked me." I whispered after a short period of time. He nodded his head against mine and pulled me onto his lap so that we were impossibly closer.

"You're amazing." He mumbled into my hair and I had to stifle a giggle as I relaxed against him. I don't know how long we sat there together but I know that I was happy in the strong arms of the boy who had shown nothing but kindness to me since I got here.

I spent at least three hours with Newt in the deadheads just talking and messing around and kissing. I felt like I was back to normality and it was something that I had missed. I didn't tell him I loved him, I didn't know how I felt and since he had over a week to come accustomed to his feelings for me, I had literally just woken up from my second coma yesterday.

"Please?" I whined as I stared up at him while he stood over me.

"Come on Sky you know we have to go." He said as he made a move to grab hold of my hands to hoist me up with him but I wasn't having it as I rolled the opposite way.

"Just once? Pretty please?" I begged but he wasn't having any of it.

"Skylar would you please just come with me?" I could tell he was getting frustrated now

"You'll have to catch me first." I giggled as I shot up and grabbed the nearest tree branch.

I hoisted myself up and quickly grabbed onto the next as his outstretched hands tried grabbing onto my ankle again. I got three branches higher before his shouts became more desperate.

"Sky, please you're gonna hurt yourself!"

Ha! That's what he thought.

I giggled and jumped from one branch onto a close branch from a neighbouring tree. I repeated this action a few more times until I was halfway through the deadheads and nearing the tree lining. Newt was running underneath me and still begging me to get down.

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