12 - Caught

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As me and Jeff walked through the Glade we passed many people who either smiles, waved or nodded in our direction. Jeff's arm was still hanging over my shoulders but anyone could tell we were just friends, he was one of the closest friends I had in the Glade despite us not spending a lot of time together, he was fun and easy to bounce meaningless insults at. Of course he was only a friend but I thought of him more as a brother, like how I pictured I would have been with Caleb if I remembered him.

People were already crowding around the bonfire sight with long sticks with flames on the end so me and Jeff joined them. We stood at the front of the soon to be a lite stack of logs, waiting for the keepers to throw in the burning sticks so the bonfire would start. On Alby's shout the keepers through the sticks into the logs, making them burn almost immediately.

I was smiling and laughing when I saw Newt standing directly opposite me on the other side of the fire. While everyone around him cheered and talked and laughed, he stood still and stared at me with such a fierce emotion blazing in his eyes. As soon as our eyes met he seemed to snap out of whatever he had been originally thinking and pushed past the crowd of people around the fire and he jogged towards the lining of the deadheads, away from everybody else.

As I watched him, his limp became more visible to me and I wondered how it hadn't been so obvious to me before. I had noticed it but I just hadn't really thought about it too much. I broke away from Jeff and chased after Newt, hating the expression of hurt and anger he had worn on his face before he turned around and ran away. I followed where he had gone exactly and found him sitting in a small empty clearing on a log with his back to me and his head in his hands.

"Newt?" I asked gently

His head snapped towards me so quickly I was afraid he would get whiplash from it. He stared at me with no emotion on his face but his eyes alight with anger and... betrayal?

"What's wrong?" I asked as I came and sat next to him on the log but as soon as I sat down he stood up and he turned to face me, not hiding the anger in his eyes anymore. It was written all over his face how he was feeling now but I had no idea why.

"You! I told you I liked you, and I thought you meant it when you said you actually liked me too. I thought I could trust you with my secret that only two other people know about! I didn't think you would use me like this." He fumed

I was taken back by what he said but hid the sadness I felt as he stared at me with such distaste and hatred so I could find out what was really wrong.

"What did I do Newt?"

"Your flirting with every bloody guy in this shucking place! I told you I didn't want to share you this morning and then you go around with other guys laughing and flirting while I watch you." He said

"Flirting? Newt if your talking about Jeff he's just a friend and you have nothing to be jealous about. Okay?" I said calmly

"Just a friend? I don't see you cuddling up with Chuckie next to a bloody bonfire at night and being all bloody romantic with him, do I?" He was still very angry

His anger was started to get me aggravated and annoy me more than it should have. He was accusing me of flirting with other guys and hinting that I was cheating on him with Jeff of all people he could be jealous of he had to pick the one guy I think of as an actual brother.

"You actually think that I would think as Jeff as anything more than a friend? Okay fine maybe I do think of Jeff as more than a friend but not in the way you think! I told you that I had lost my brother and had been next to his dead body without realising who he was yesterday. I spilled my heart out to you yesterday and do you think I would do that to any boy that was here? Do you? Because as far as I can tell you are the one person in every single one of my memories that I actually remember. You are the one boy in this whole Glade that I have been comfortable sleeping next to and you are the one boy that I have ever thought of as more than a friend in the way you think.

Stay With Me. Newt. Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now