18 - Returning

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Have you ever got that weird feeling when you wake up and you're not in your bed or in your house because you've slept over at a friends house or something like that? Well this was sort of like that, accept instead of realising straight away where I was and being comforted, the realisation hit me like a truck and made me all the more worried.

I was still trapped in the maze but the sky was no longer dark and the sun was high up in the air and the thick vines I had used as a pathetic excuse for camouflage were still surrounding me. I was confused as to how and why a Griever hadn't killed me in my sleep but chose not to question it too much for fear of the creators sending an even more challenging beast my way instead.

I gathered my bearings quickly and stood up from the ground, stretching every aching muscle in my back, legs and arms as I did so. I wasted no time and began jogging between the large walls in hopes of finding the entrance to the Glade and after a while I did. The sun was already up so I could see better but the doors weren't open, at least not yet.

Directly opposite of the closed opening was Alby hanging on the wall by the vines and underneath him was the Greenie who had been pushed into the Maze after me. Both boys had their eyes closed and I could only hope they weren't dead but from the steady and loud snores coming from the gree- Thomas -  I knew he was alive and hopefully well but as for Alby, I couldn't tell if he was still breathing.

The Griever had stung him straight to the head so that could have meant an instant death where as most victims would go through the changing and then go crazy and die but that was only with the griever serum which we had already run out of in the Glade. I ran to Thomas and shook him awake and told him to help me get Alby down which he did, somewhat groggily because he had only just woken up.

We got the older boy down and I checked for a pulse, heartbeat or any signs of breathing and let out a sigh of relief when I heard his heart beating even though it was a little too fast. I was about to inform Thomas of the good News when the large doors rumbled behind us and started sliding open. The noise was louder inside the maze than in the glade because it echoed off of every individual wall but I was so unbelievably glad to hear it.

I picked Alby up and got Thomas to help me so we both supported him and started dragging him towards the now large opening. It took us a while but eventually some of the Gladers spotted us and ran in to help us get Alby back into the Glade safely so me and Thomas could jog back. As soon as we reached the Glade I fell onto my hands and knees and from the corner of my eye saw Thomas do the same.

I squeezed my  eyes closed and took in heavy breaths as I the images of the night I had just endured all came rushing back to me. The entire thing seemed like a nightmare while I thought back on it but I would always know it wasn't. You don't feel that much fear from a nightmare - even the worst ones.

Both me and Thomas were taken to the homestead where Jeff, Clint and a few other less trained med-jacks fussed over us and I could hear them all mumbling things about us to themselves or to each other.

"How'd you reckon they survived?" One boy asked

"I wanna know why the hell they ran in." Another boy said

"I'm just glad they're both alive." Clint muttered from besides me while he checked over my body for any fatal injuries.

I didn't say anything as the boys fussed around us and barely payed any attention to what everyone was doing but when three boys carried Alby's limp form into the small room it was like all time stopped. Every boy stopped moving and all eyes were on the dark skinned boy's body that had green vine like lines running along it where his veins were. It was hard to think that the boy we all saw before us was the leader of this tribe of gladers.

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