23 - Decisions

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Have you ever just felt in your gut that something wasn't right? Or that something bad was going to happen? That's how I felt as soon as I heard Thomas utter those three words as he ran towards the bonfire.

All drumming, singing and dancing stopped so that the only sounds that could be heard where that of the animals in the barns only a short distance away. Nobody said a word and we all stared at Thomas, judging him, testing him to see if he would show any signs of lying.

As Alby wasn't at the bonfire because of his unstable condition he wasn't there to take control so that was left to Newt who everybody immediately turned to, to see what they should do.

"Five of you go get her. Put out the fire and everyone pack up for the night. We're in for  a long bloody day tomorrow." He ordered

Newt followed Thomas and five other boys to the slammer where the girl was being kept while the rest of the gladers started packing things away. Water was thrown onto the fire and the crates and piles of logs that were to be used for firewood where all stored away so that the Glade no  longer had a homelike and family feeling to it.

The place felt deserted as nobody talked.

Most boys went to bed straight away while the more curious ones stayed awake to see what would happen, although even I knew that nobody would be told any information until after a gathering tomorrow.

I was a part of the group that went to bed as soon as. Instead of walking to the trees where the hampers where strung up however, I went to the homestead and climbed into Newt's bed where I sat up and waited for him.

Half an hour later, footsteps started heading up the stairs and some past my room but continued walking without so much as I peek inside. Newt was one of the last ones to walk into the homestead but when he did, I knew about it.

His heavy footsteps made it clear he was tired as he walked up the stairs but they didn't stop at his door and instead went into the medical area of the homestead. I waited for him to go back to his room, thinking he was only visiting Alby but when his thunderous shouts started making the walls shake, I jumped out of his bed and ran to the door.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!" He shouted at nobody in particular as he searched the hospital room.

He didn't pay attention to me as I called his name and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he had most likely woken up every boy in the Glade who had already been asleep. I stepped into the room while Newt searched under the bed for me and shut the door loudly to get his attention but it didn't work.

When he didn't respond to the loud banging of the door I walked further into the room and ignored Newt's calls of my name since he wouldn't hear me anyway and decided to do something different. He stood up from where he had previously been crouched on all fours on the floor and dusted off his pants while I stepped behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He stiffened as my arms went around him and stilled even more as I stood on my tip-toes and placed a whisper of a kiss on the back of his ear. He let out a shaky breath as he turned to look at me and let it out slowly when his eyes found my lips.

I brought him down to my height before putting my lips on his softly and sinking into his body as his hands gripped my cheek and waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair as he pulled me closer to him.

"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered as I broke away from the kiss. He moved his face closer to my own and gently brushed his nose against mine.

"I wouldn't let you anyway." He mumbled.

I let out a breathy laugh and took his hand in mine so I could lead us back to his room. He pulled me into the bed and wrapped his arms around me again as soon as our bodies hit the make-shift mattress.

Stay With Me. Newt. Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now