14 - Missing

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I was awoken in the middle of the night when someone placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before the bed I was in dipped, telling me someone else had joined me. As two strong arms wrapped around my waist and carefully pulled me towards a toned chest I knew it was Newt without looking at him.

I sighed in content as his head went to the crook of my neck and he placed lingering kisses along my pulse before he quietly whispered a goodnight into my hair and then I was whisked away into another dreamless slumber.

When I woke up the next morning, Newt was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in any of the rooms of the Homestead, he wasn't in the gardens and he wasn't eating breakfast with the other gladers in the kitchen either. When I asked the other gladers where he was Minho, Winston, Ben and Chuck all shared a grim look before they all shook their heads and told me not to worry about it.

Obviously I ignored all of them and went to look for Newt somewhere else but I couldn't find him in any places of the Glade and the Greenie was nowhere to be seen either. I looked everywhere and couldn't find Newt anywhere around the Glade and I could only hope that he hadn't been an idiot and ran into the Maze.

I ran through every tree in the deadheads and searched every building in the Glade to find Newt but it was impossible. Alby tried to reassure me that he was alright but nobody would tell me where he was or what he was doing which only sparked my curiosity and worry even more.

"He'll be back." Minho shouted behind him as he and Ben ran into the Maze with the other runners for their daily scout of the area beyond the walls.

"Just go to work and when your done he'll be back, I promise." Alby said as he pushed me towards the homestead after jogging towards me from where he had been lecturing the builders on the other side of the Glade.

I reluctantly stumbled towards the homestead, still filled with worry over Newt's well being despite everyone's frequent reassurances. Jeff and I didn't throw insults at each other like we usually would because I was too concerned about Newt and he could probably tell I wasn't in the mood to mess around.

The people who came into the homestead throughout the day didn't need serious help like usual so most of their injuries were treated easily and I was left to my thoughts for the larger percentage of the day. I was distant with everyone at lunch and at work and it was clear that the other gladers picked up on my mood change but nobody said anything to me.

The only people who attempted to make conversation with me where Chuck and Davis but I was quick to shut them both up - Davis more rudely than Chuck.

"Stop your worrying pumpkin it doesn't suit you." Davis said to me while I cleaned the cut on his arm but he didn't stop with the comment and he started running the hand on his uninjured arm up and down my thigh.

Usually his comments would role off my back easily because I had gotten used to the crude comments some of the more immature boys made because I was the only girl but I just wasn't up for dealing with anyone's klunk while Newt was still missing and nobody would tell me anything.

In seconds I had abandoned my Med-jack duties and tackled Davis to the floor. He had originally been sitting on a bed while I treated his wound standing up so I had an advantage as he fell backwards and landed on his front as he hit the ground. Davis groaned in pain as soon as his body made contact with the floor but I wasn't done with him, I was too stressed and he was the easiest thing to take my anger out on.

I kicked Davis as hard as I could in the ribs and he cried out in pain and rolled onto his back and he clutched where I had kicked him. As soon as he had stopped whimpering in pain and was about to stand up, I slammed him back down and he hit his head hard on the floor. I didn't waste time in straddling the injured boy, making sure he had no escape before I brought my arm up ready to deliver a painful punch to his pathetic face.

"I like this position very much." Davis said with a smirk and that was all it took for me to bring my arm down and punch him in the nose, hearing the successful crack of his nose as I broke it with one punch and blood started pouring out of it.

"Say that again, I dare you." I hissed in his face

He glared up at me before smirking up at me again, making me want to punch him again all the more.

"You know what's happened to him. He's dead. The Grievers probably got 'em before I could. He's dead and you know it" Davis taunted

Red tinged the edges of my vision as I brought fist after fist down on Davis' face, not stopping when his pain-filled screams echoed through the room. His face was now covered in blood as where both my knuckles but I didn't care, I didn't think about anything else other than the words he had said just minutes before, refusing to believe a word that came out of his mouth.

He's dead and you know it

The words kept swimming around my head and wouldn't leave. I barely registered being pulled off of Davis' body or being dragged out of the room. Didn't respond to anyone as they carried me behind the homestead to the slammer. Didn't react when Alby slammed the door closed and clicked the rusted key in the lock.

Nothing mattered to me. I felt numb. I hoped Davis had been lying, prayed that what he had said where just empty words with no truth to them but I couldn't know for certain. I hadn't seen Newt all day and the possibility of him being dead could be true.

I brought my knees up to my chest and sat in the empty cramped building alone as I prayed Newt was okay. I could faintly hear shouting coming from the homestead but I couldn't understand the words they were saying from where I was. I watched as more gladers began filling into the rickety building, all curious about what had happened but none of them knew the truth. Nobody had heard Davis' proclamation. They had all seen me beating the living klunk out of an injured glader, that was all they would be able to see without hearing my side of the story, something they clearly weren't interested in.

Through the small bars of the prison I could see the sky as it eventful started darkening and my worry over Newt only intensified. Davis' words still ran through my head like a constant reminder that what he had said could have been the truth. The boy I have grown so close to could be dead.

As I slowly started realising that I might never see Newt again, I slunk back into a corner of the cramped room and curled my body in in myself, put my head in my hands and let the inevitable sobs shake my body as the hot tears slid down my face. Nothing mattered in the moment. Not the maze or grievers or the creators. Nothing.

Everything that had seemed so important only a day who held no meaning to me in the moment as I lay on the floor and wept. The only think that mattered was Newt and the possibility of him being dead pained me both emotionally and mentally.

Darkness slowly clouded my vision as my sobs continued to make my body shake and I gave into the darkness, let it consume me and take away all of my worries and doubts so that I could finally forget everything and hope that when I woke up from another dreamless sleep, everything would be okay.

But I had already learned not to hope too high in the Glade because things could only get worse.

I realised as soon as I finished writing this chapter that I have no idea how I am going to explain Newt's disappearance since it didn't happen in the book or film or anything like that so next chapter might be a bit crappy but I hope you liked this one. Please vote and comment

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