3 - Gathering

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When I woke up I was immediately reminded of the strange day I had yesterday because of four faces staring at me from across the room. I recognised Newt and Chuck but not the other two so Newt kindly introduced me to them.

"This is Winston and that's Minho." He said

The first thing I noticed about the boy Newt pointed out who was called Winston was that he had acne covering his face. After further inspection of his physical attributes I realised he was a tall boy with dark hair, brown eyes and warm brown skin. His facial features didn't display any signs of emotion but his eyes held a fearful confusion that I could only guess was caused by my arrival.

The other boy however, had all of his emotions written out on his face. Instead of confused Minho seemed more curious than the rest of the people I had met in the glade which made me wonder if he would also be nicer. He was obviously Asian with short black hair and as far as I could tell he had a good build but his arms where the main thing about him that stood out. His eyes were brown like Winston's but seemed more warm in a way which made me want to trust him. A smile was on his lips as I looked at him and I smiled back slightly to try and gain another friend besides Chuck while I was in the hell hole the other boys call the Glade.

"Um hi." I said awkwardly

Chuck let out a quiet snort but tried to cover it with a cough as the other three boys looked at him weirdly. As I waited for someone else to say something I took in Newts tense posture as he stood next to the boy he called Minho. I wondered what that was about but thought better of it than to say anything in case it made things in the room even more awkward than they already were.

"Alby wants you in the gathering and sent us up to get you." Chuck said breaking the silence and I was grateful.

"He sent all of you up to get me?" I asked in disbelief

Newt shifted his weight from one foot to another while Minho scratched his arm and Winston let out an awkward cough.

"Well no, he did originally send me up but then Newt wanted to see how you were doing even though he had seen you ten minutes earlier and Minho wanted to see what everyone was talking about when they said you were really h-" Chuck didn't get to finish as Newt put his hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"I think we should all get to the gathering." Newt said before turning and walking out of the room with the Winston and Chuck in tow whole Minho lingered while I got out of the bed I didn't remember falling asleep in.

Minho walked next to me as we made our way down the stairs where I could only guess the gatherings took place. Once we got to our destination I was surprised. It was only a small room with thirteen chairs in it and not much else apart from a table that covered most of the space in the room. Nine of the seats where already taken up but Newt, Winston and Minho filled three of them and then I was left to fill the last chair.

I felt bad for Chuck who had been left outside the room but knew there must have been a reason for the other boys to leave him out. 

"Alright you shanks I think you all know what this gathering is all about. We need to figure out what we should do with the new Greenie over there. Anyone got any suggestions?" Alby said

"I say we banish her! She can't be good for anything anyway and she'll only cause more trouble if she stays." A boy I recognised from yesterday said, I think his name was Gally?

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