29 - Escape

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The runners didn't return that night.

We knew that they would be staying in the maze but everyone was worried about them. We didn't know if someone had been killed, or stung because they hadn't returned and we would have to wait until morning to find out if they had found anything new.

I didn't sleep much which meant I wasn't at my best when it came to sorting through the maps the next day and I could tell Newt was worried about me. He kept telling me over and over again to go back to the homestead to rest but I refused and told him I needed to help.

We didn't see the runners until after lunch because they had been in the homestead since early hours in the morning sleeping after running the maze all night. Thomas and Minho went straight to the weapons room where we had to take refuge as we had nowhere else to go since the maps room was in ruins.

They told us about a plan they where hoping could get us out of the Glade and away from Grievers but it was risky. Newt had a hard time coming to terms with their plan since he was the leader now after Alby broke down and decided Newt should be the leader.

We didn't know how the other Gladers would react to the plan Thomas and Minho had come up with but it didn't seem to matter much because most people were willing to do anything at a chance of leaving the hell some had started thinking of as home.

The fact that Chuck had almost been taken the night before seemed to be a good enough reason for the gladers to want to fight since everyone knew that Chucky didn't deserve anything like what he had been through. He was just a kid.

As soon as the plan had been spread across the entire Glade, we began preparing for what we knew was to be a brutal battle.

Weapons were distributed between every Glader and everyone packed small bags to carry on their backs filled with water and food. It took us the whole day to organise everything and some people seemed exhausted just by the planning but the majority were bursting with adrenaline and were ready to go, despite the fear that could be traced in every gladers eyes.

None of us wanted to be a lab rat anymore. We didn't want to be used by the creators for their sick games. We didn't want to die hiding behind pitiful walls, waiting for the grievers to take us all until there was none of us left.

We wanted to fight.

So we did.

Everyone got up earlier than usual and got something to eat, prepared the weapons and made last minute adjustments to their bags. We all gathered around the North door so we could listen to Minho make his speech before we walked into battle.

The boys who had been against running into the maze, sulked in the centre of the Glade and watched us all from afar as we stood silent and waited for Minho's speech and I couldn't tell what they thought of us from their expressionless faces but I knew they thought we were stupid to be running into the grievers den.

"Go ahead." Newt said from where he stood next to Minho who was facing the crowd. I was at the front staring at Newt who gave me a small smile before looking back at Minho.

Minho cleared his throat before he began talking, we were all ready for his inspiring pep talk that would get us all ready to defeat the grievers and the creators.

"Be careful," his voice held near to no emotion "don't die."

I sighed at his bluntness before looking to Newt almost pleading with my eyes for him to say something.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired."

And another sigh left my lips.

Instead of getting someone else to do the talking we all just got into position for attack. I was near the back with Newt and Alby while Thomas, Chuck and Minho were at the front of the group.

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