20 - Injection

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Newt POV

Everyone was standing around tensely as if waiting for someone to say something or something to happen but nothing did. In the tense silence I couldn't help but think that Alby would know exactly what to do. If he hadn't had been stung in the maze by a bloody griever he would have had full control over the situation and would have known exactly how to handle it. I didn't. 

I barely knew how to control a free spirited girl from running around the bloody glade without being injured or harmed in someway and now as second in command I had to control over fifty boys and make sure none of them did something stupid.

It was not a secret that I didn't like having a lot of power which is something else that had me on edge because I feared some of the boys to take advantage of my lack of experience and control and try and take over the glade in Alby's absence.

I tried to figure out how to take care of the situation by thinking like Alby but I already knew that trying to be menacing would get me nowhere since the boys all saw me as more of a relaxed person than a scary one. So instead I tried getting their attention another way,

"Jeff! Clint! Get her to the homestead now. Everyone else get back to work and keepers get to the gathering room now." I didn't raise my voice too much since there was nobody talking but I made sure every boy could hear me and thankfully everyone acted at once. Jeff and Clint got a few more boys to help move the girl while the keepers headed to the gathering room and the rest of the boys went to their separate jobs.

I spotted Thomas walking away quickly from the scene but I quickly grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him backwards towards the Homestead. "You're not getting away that quickly Tommy." I said as we walked.

In the gathering room all of the boys where sitting down already and talking amongst themselves quietly as they awaited our arrival. I pushed Thomas into the chair in the middle of the circle and then took my place next to the now empty chair that Alby usually sat in.

"Anyone have any ideas as to what the hell just happened?" I asked the now quiet room but nobody replied. I sighed in annoyance and glared at the keepers as they all kept their mouths shut, I was certain this is the quietest the boys have ever been since we all arrived in the Glade.

"Alright then. Frypan tell me what you think." I ordered as I stared at him from three seats away from me.

"Don't really have an opinion. The girl seems pretty out of it to me." He said with a shrug of his shoulders

I groaned in frustration at his carefree attitude and switched my attention back to Thomas who was sitting as still as possible like a statue, probably in the hopes of not getting called on. Not going to happen.

"Do you recognise her Tommy?" I asked while every boy in the room focussed their attention on him enough to make him squirm slightly in his seat. Instead of giving a verbal reply he just shook his head no which got me even more frustrated. "Well she sure as hell seemed to recognise you." I snapped

Gally stood up from his seat on the other side of the room then, walking around the room and staring every boy in the room in the eye, apart from me who he completely ignored until his eyes settled back on Thomas.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted you. She's probably a spy just like you. Here to destroy what little bit of peace we have here. I'll bet your working for the creators too, trying to gain all of our trust before you kill us all." He snapped

Thomas looked taken back by Gally's suggestions but didn't say anything while Gally continued to pace around the room and I sat in silence as I watched the looks on the boys faces start to change, some in confusion and some in anger.

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