1 - Arriving

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It was dark. That was all I could tell. Judging from the feeling of the cold floor that was supporting my weight I knew I must have been on some type of metal flooring which was something that confused me as I sat up from where I was lying, to try and remember something about how I had got into the situation I was currently in. The one thing worse than the confusion of not knowing how I got into the cramped area was the fear of not remembering anything at all. I could remember basic things like what food was and random things like bikes and cars but when I thought of people I couldn't place names to faces or the other way around. I couldn't remember my own name let alone my appearance or age so I was left totally baffled in the small box like room. It didn't take me long to realise I had to start trying to remember something if I wanted to ever get out of the strange situation I was in but it was like running against a brick wall that was blocking me from my memories.

I tried for what seemed like hours but was only minutes, trying to remember anything about myself or how I had gotten into the situation I was in but it was impossible. A sharp pain started forming in my head as I tried remembering and then I had to stop abruptly as the pain became to much and I had to crawl into a small ball and hold my head in my hands as I waited for the pain to disappear.

After the pain had subsided to a dull throb I tried to stand up but just as I started crouching and ready to stand to my full height, the box started to move. I was pushed down at such a harsh force as the thing carrying me and everything else started rising and I started to panic, thinking the box would never stop.

The fear of being trapped inside the small space was quickly undermined as I thought of something worse. Crashing. A loud screeching from one of the walls next to me interrupted the worrying for a split second and then all of a sudden the movement stopped. I slowly crawled along the floor of the box until I was in a corner, surrounded by boxes and crates at every angle.

I stayed still and silent as some noise could be heard from outside of the box and somewhere above me where I knew people were waiting. Slowly, a crack above me shed some light into the room, not a lot but enough for me to properly see all of the boxed surrounding me. The light seemed to grow and grow while I could hear grunts from above me and soon there was no roof on the box I was in and I was staring up at a lot of unfamiliar faces.

Some where looking at me but most where looking at something next to me so I turned my attention towards where they were looking and saw a boy lying next to me, with blood all over his clothes and his facial features unrecognisable with the amount of bruises on it. I let out a blood curdling scream as I realised with a sickening dread that the boy next to me was dead.

Everything happened in slow motion after the scream died down. A lot of yelling was happening from outside the box and then a boy dropped down into the box with the me followed by a rope.

"Its a girl!" The boy shouted

He had dark skin and was very tall, and looked like he was about seventeen.

"Welcome to the Glade, the names Alby." He said

I didn't say anything as I just stared at the dead boy still lying only a few meters away from me.

"Do you remember anything? How this might of happened or how you got here?" He asked

I shook my head in a silent no and he sighed, after it was apparent that I wasn't going to start talking anytime soon, he grabbed my arm and told me to hold onto the rope that was dropped down from the top of the box I was sent up in. We were both pulled up into the place the boy, Alby said was called the Glade and we were met with at least fifty pairs of eyes staring at me as I slowly crumpled to the floor when another searing pain shot through my skull with enough force to have me clutching my head between my hands again.

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