13 - Greenie

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Three months had passed since I arrived in the Glade through the box but not much had happened in that amount of time. Everyone got used to mine and Newt's relationship fairly quickly and it was only Minho who made a big deal about it with annoying jokes and remarks every few minutes which hasn't stopped in the time I had been here.

Two new gladers had arrived in the box and they seemed to fit in well with the other boys with was good to see. The first boy that arrived after me had tried sprinting towards the maze doors and he had gotten extremely close to escaping through them but I had sprinted towards him and knocked him over, stopping him from entering the maze. After that incident the boys all decided that I shouldn't work on Greenie arrival days so that I could welcome them into the Glade instead of Alby and catch them if they tried to escape.

The newest Greenie should be arriving in a few minutes which was why I was currently sitting in a tree carving lines in the trunk with a blade while everyone else worked. Minho was in the maze trying to find an exit like usual, Newt was in the gardens with last months Greenie since that was the job he was best at apparently, and Chuck was in the shower hut cleaning up.

It was already past lunch time so the Greenie was late this month but I wasn't worried because last months Greenie - his name was Davis - had came earlier than usual. Suddenly an alarm went off around the Glade, making a few of the boys jump slightly at the sudden noise where as I just tucked the blade into the holder I had on my hip and grabbed onto a branch, flinging myself forwards onto another tree and landing gracefully on another branch. I continued doing this until I got to the last tree close to the box and jumped down from the branch, landing in a crouched position a few feet away from the tree I had jumped from.

All of the boys had gotten used to my tree jumping and climbing and despite Newt's constant begging for me to stop because it was 'dangerous', it was the quickest way to get me to places. I took off at a jog towards the box where some boys were already gathering to see the newest Greenie. The alarm was going off for about half an hour before the metal doors slid open revealing another pair of doors that Newt and Alby pulled open.

A boy with dark hair, plastered to his face with sweat was sitting in a corner of the box with a hand over his eyes because of the brightness of the setting sun. I jumped into the box in front of the boy and gave him a small smile while he squinted up at me with fear evident in his brown eyes. I gave him a quick once over, looking for any injuries he might have gotten through the panic of being in the box and when I found none I shrugged and yelled for the boys to lower the rope.

"What is this place?" He asked me as I turned around to grab the rope that was being lowered  into the box.

"This is the Glade, your new home." I said, offering the boy a hand to help him up which he accepted and hoisted himself onto his feet, losing his footing slightly as he did so.

I told him to step onto the loop tied to the bottom of the rope which he did and I grabbed onto a second rope that was lowered for me. Once I was out of the box I went over to the boy who was on his hands and knees on the floor, coughing up water and heaving with nothing to throw up. I waited until the boy had stopped dry heaving before I made another move towards him but before I could say anything he sprung to his feet and pushed past me, running towards the open maze doors after a quick sweep of the area.

I fell onto my back from the sudden shove the boy had given me but quickly dusted myself off and stood back up, hearing the boys around me all shouting and hollering as they watched in amusement as the boy sprinted towards the doors.

"We got a runner!" Zart shouted from next to me

I looked over to Jeff who was watching me carefully, knowing what to do. I watched the boy for a moment before I prepared myself to sprint to the boy, casting a glance at Newt to see him smirking at the boy who ran, knowing what his fate would be when I caught him.

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