25 - Suprise

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When I woke up the next day the runners had already gone into the maze. As I walked into the kitchen for breakfast I quickly realised that people were still worried about the sky since it still hadn't changed from the dark grey colour and it was starting to concern me too. I tried to put up a calm front as I ate with Newt and Chuck but I was sure that both of them saw right through it.

While Newt and I where still eating Chuck excused himself to go sit with Thomas and Teresa and I was learning that most of the gladers where steering clear of both of them.

Straight after breakfast Newt and I went to work at out different jobs and I was thankful nobody was getting injured like the day before, mostly because we had started running out of medical supplies because of how many boys where injured. The box was due to come up within a couple of hours so me and the other Med-Jacks weren't too worried about that but because of how scared other gladers where, everyone was being reckless with their jobs.

Alby had made sure everyone was working as soon as breakfast was over which was a good thing since nothing would have been done and nobody would get food so most of the boys had something to take their minds off of the sky.

While the other Gladers were working around the Glade, I sat with Leo in one of the rooms of the homestead just talking while Jeff and Clint where busy taking care of some other boys who had been careless.

"How long until I can get up again?" Leo asked me

"How do you feel?" I asked instead and he shrugged his shoulders "Fine, I think I can walk and stuff but I'm guessing I wont be able to lift the wood for the builders any time soon." he said

"I'll go check with Clint." I said and stood from my chair next to Leo's bed. I walked out of his room and into the hall where I could hear some faint  murmuring from another room but chose to ignore it and continue on my search for Clint.

I found him bandaging some kids head up and handing him an icepack as he  told the kid instructions, "-no longer than a couple hours before it melts so get Frypan to put it in his freezer until its back to normal. Come back if you feel dizzy or anything and don't work too hard today." he finished

The boy nodded and walked out of the room with the icepack on his head as he passed me and gave me a small smile.

"Leo wants to know if he can leave yet." I said from the doorway

"Yeah just tell him to help Frypan in the kitchen instead of going back to the builders for a while." He said

I nodded and left to give Leo the all clear but as I walked past the door where the mumbling was still coming from, my curiosity got the best of me and I put my ear to the door to try to listen to the quiet conversation.

"-shouldn't be put under to much stress anyway and I just got her back! You'll just have to wait." One voice said

"Just think about it Newt. We need her answers." The second voice said

I stood, confused as to who Newt was talking to and about who. I could tell it was between me and Teresa since he had said 'her' but I didn't know why he would be talking about either of us.

Instead of barging in and demanding answers like I wanted to, I remained on the other side of the door with my ear pressed against it as I listened.

There was no more mumbling for while until the sound of quick footsteps filled the silence. Before I had time to remove my ear from the door or flee the seen, the door was yanked open by none other than Newt.

"And what do you think your doing?" He asked with a forced playful smile that didn't reach his eyes.

I ignored it and forced a smile of my own on my face to hide my curiosity because of his private conversation with the other person.

Stay With Me. Newt. Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now