19 - Trials

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Newt POV

Its been three days and Sky hasn't woken up yet. The whole Glade is worried for her since the last time this happened we didn't think she would ever wake up. The Greenie who I have already questioned the day he came back through the maze doors - was still traumatized from what he had seen in the maze but he was better off than the other two who had entered the maze.

Alby was constantly screaming because of the changing and Sky was barely responding to anything. Her skin was pale and her body was already thinning because she wouldn't eat and Jeff was only able to pour soup down her throat. I was the most concerned for her - she barely looked like she was breathing or even alive and I was scared that a Griever had done her more damage than we thought. There were no sting marks or scratches but there could be something wrong internally that we don't have the equipment to save her with.

Tommy doesn't work and the Glade has been more run down now that we don't have our leader and our upbeat spirit to get us through the day. All of us are just hoping that the two of them will be okay.

Unknown POV

She wants to see me again. I don't even know what for this time, I haven't done any extra work since they sent Tom up into the Trials but I do the minimum work that should be done everyday. Maybe she wasn't impressed with my work as usual. Maybe she was going to force me to watch him in the maze all over again. And what about Skylar? Has she found out about the memories I have been giving her back?

I could only hope that whatever was to happen when I walked through the glass doors in front of me would not disrupt the Trials. So with all of these thoughts swimming around in my head and the fear of punishment bubbling to the surface, I pushed the glass doors open with the two dark clothes guards following behind me to make sure I wouldn't try anything stupid - not like I would anyway, they had my best friends held captive in an insolvable maze.

Sat behind a white polished desk was the woman that controlled the company, the woman that was so hell bent on finding a cure she would sacrifice the lives of hundreds of children. Including me. Her hair was tied back in its usual tight bun and she was wearing a white lab coat almost identical to that of my own.

I tried not to show my fear as I walked further into the room and sat in a chair opposite her desk while she stared down at me with a look that was almost like sadness.

"I'm sure your wondering why your here Teresa." Chancellor Ava Paige announced as soon as I had sat into the chair. I tried not to flinch at the sound of my 'name' coming from her since I knew I would never be able to find out what my real name was since they took it from me already - just like everybody else in the trials.

"It appears your friends are more courageous than I expected. Both Mr. Thomas and Ms. Skylar have both approached the maze at night." She said when I didn't respond "Of course this did help with finding the variables but it seems two of our subjects where - injured during their night in the maze."

I held my breath as I waited to hear who had been hurt badly enough to have Dr Paige even slightly distressed.

"The leader - Albert - was stung during the day in the head. The athletic runner - Minho - abandoned him in the maze and saved himself so your friend Skylar ran in with Thomas to save him. Thomas is fine," Dr Paige paused for a moment and left me in suspence "Ms Skylar is not so lucky."

"The experience in the maze seems to have set her brain waves into a frenzy state where she can no longer process what has happened and it appears to be that her body is refusing to accept she was stung." Dr Paige finished

"Skylar was stung? Then how have the boys not noticed it? They noticed Alby's sting straight away!" I said

"Calm yourself Teresa. The subjects haven't noticed because she was stung at the heart. The virus has already reached every cell in her body which is why she is not waking up. Her veins are not green because that is only a sign of the beginning of what happens. Skylar will not wake up without the serum Teresa."

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