Chapter 5: Encounters with Asshole

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When Monday morning rolled around, I got ready for school just like I did every single day and was on my way. Tim wasn't awake when I left this morning. Actually, I don't even think he came back last night. For once I left the house without him screaming at me, putting his hands on me, or throwing something at me. For that.. I'm thankful. It might only last today but I went to school happier than I normally pretend to be.

"Lindsay!" I shout down the hallway when I spot her tall frame walking. She stopped and turned to me with a big grin on her face. I ran towards her attacking her into a hug. "Hi!" I beamed.

"What's up babe? You look happier than usual..." She said as she stared at me.

I nodded, "It's a good day. I'm making sure of it." I walked backwards as I continued talking to her. "So how was your weekend? I was meaning to call you but something came up." I state. Yeah, a beating. I smiled again, forgetting about the beatings I was tortured with over the weekend.

"It was great actually. My family decided to go bowling.. it was kind of embarrassing but fun nonetheless." She answered. I listened to her talk about her family as I walked backwards down the hallway- while I made sure I didn't knock anyone over. "Anyways.. what came up? I called you like thirty times."

"Oh nothing! It was just my dad wanted to do some stuff. He's leaving soon for a week on a business trip." I lied.

"Oh? Isn't that good..." Lindsay replied. When she saw the look on my face she continued. " I mean for us. Like he can finally not keep you locked down and you can hang out around us more."

"Yeah! I mean I guess we can do something I'll just ask-" I said before my back rammed into someone. I turned around quickly "I'm sorr-"

Gabe Ramirez.

"Oh it's you.." I muttered. I didn't forget about what him and his friend said about me that day I joined them at lunch. It was uncalled for and I felt extremely disrespected. I hated what they said.

I had nearly forgot about them assuming what I was but now with blue eyes standing in front of me the only thing I can think about is my home life. Yeah Gabe! You and Grayson are totally right about me. I'm too perfect. I'm so perfect, everything about me just screams perfect!

"It's you." He snarled. "Don't got anything nice to say today? Where's that smile you always have plastered on your little Barbie face."

I stared at him for a second. He want's to see me smile? Fine. I'll smile. I turned away from him to see Lindsay behind me watching the interaction skeptically. I motioned for her to go with my eyes, which she quickly caught on to. She touched my shoulder as she walked away.

When she was gone and out of earshot I turned back go Gabe meeting his gaze. A fake smile broke it's way onto my face. "It's here, just like it always is." I explain. "Anyways, Gabe...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to sit at your table that day. My apologies, tell your friend Grayson I'm sorry too."

"There you go again." Gabe mutters throwing his hands into the air.

In my head, I knew exactly why he was saying that. But little did he know I was playing him. I wanted him to think I'm all happy and polite with all of my apologizing. Of course, I always apologize for little things that I do, or if I hurt someone by mistake... but him he deserved no apology.

"What?" I ask pretending to be oblivious. "I'm just saying I'm sorry. I had no reason to try and become friends with you and Grayson. I get it, you don't like me. I'm not trying to force you to like me. I just thought that maybe we could be friends...But I was wrong. I'm too nice I guess." I stated as I rambled. "N-not, not that you aren't nice because you are. You're extremely nice. So nice that-"

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