Chapter 48: birthday shenanigans

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         It was my birthday, and sadly, it was also a school day. Seventeen years ago today I was born on January sixteenth. I woke up jolly as hell and a big smile on my face. The second I went downstairs I was being bombarded with hugs, and screams of Happy Birthday's. I hugged Joseph back, thanking him, and went to Gabe hugging him too. Daisy pulled on my hand and hugged me. I hugged her back, loving the feeling of being wanted in my own home on my birthday.

I'm glad my birthday falls on a Friday this year though. "How does it feel to finally be seventeen?" Gabe asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Pretty goo-" I said, before feeling something sticky hit me in the face. My eyes shut instinctively and all I smelt was syrup. "Gabe!" I screamed, letting out a loud laugh as I pulled the pancake off my face. Syrup dripping off my nose. "I want to kill you."

"Now, you don't want to get arrested for murder on your birthday do you?" He teases, wiping syrup off my face and eating it. "Tastes pretty good." He smirked, before taking a seat.

"Here honey." Bianca said, handing me paper towel. "I told him not to but he doesn't listen." I couldn't ignore the look of disapproval she gave Gabe which made me laugh.

As I wiped off the sticky syrup I smiled. "It's okay don't worry. It's kind of expected to have food hit your face on your birthday."

"I guess so. But eat up quick so you guys can head off to school." Bianca said, passing more pancakes into the middle of table.

I was kind of excited for school honestly. It's been great lately, and I can't lie I love the attention I get on my birthday. I ate my food quickly before running upstairs to get in the shower before Gabe.

I already had my birthday dress out so I grabbed what I was wearing and ran into the shower locking the door. I washed off all of the sticky syrup before pimples began to form. The shower felt nice, and I smelled good.

I brushed my teeth after, and blow dried, then straightened my hair down. It took awhile and Gabe was banging on the bathroom door but Birthday priveleges exist and I'm using them to my advantage. I smirked and ruffled up his hair as I left the bathroom and went back to my room. I put on a pair of sandals, and my trusty jean jacket – like I always do and headed downstairs with my bag in hand.

It was already seven so Grayson should be here soon. I headed into the kitchen and helped Bianca clean up the mess that was left behind. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Alexis, Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu." I heard Grayson shout as he walked in the front door.

I leaned up against the island and waited for him to come into the kitchen but when he did, I screamed at the top of my lungs at what he had in his hand. "You didn't!" I shouted.

"I did." He smiled, his face lit up in utter happiness, I resembled him except my hands were over my mouth.

"What did he do?" Gabe yells, running downstairs with a towel around his waist. "What did he- Oh no you fucking did not!"

"Gabriel watch your mo- You fucking did not!" Bianca screamed.

"What did he do?" Joseph said rounding the corner with his tie in his hand. He froze, and pointed at Grayson. "You did not! Are you crazy?"

"What's wrong with it?" Grayson said, looking down.

"A puppy?!" Daisy screamed, running at lightning speed toward Grayson. Gray nods his head, letting her pet the small dog. "What kind is it?"

"She's a bullmastiff."

"Dude those dogs get huge." Gabe said, letting out a sigh, facepalming himself. "Why did you buy that?"

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