Chapter 8: Secrets (Part 1)

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After Principal Lopez suspended me for a week, I had to hurry and get to work even though I was a half hour late.

Julio was aggravated, but when I told him what had happened he made me sit down and we had a thirty minute talk about why fighting on school grounds will always lead to consequences. He then explained that if or when I was to fight I'd be better off taking it somewhere else away from the school.

I listened to him as he spoke, and then he told me he'd give me a couple of shifts during the week to keep me busy.

I iced my face a little to let the swelling go down and then I started my usual waitressing.

By the time my shift was over I was exhausted.
"That was the worst dinner rush I have ever been apart of." I sighed as I sat down by the counter.

Maria looked up from the cash register and nodded. "It wasn't so bad, you'll see worse.. trust me on that darling."

I groaned as I spun in the chair, "I don't think I ever want to see anything worse than that. I'm exhausted."

I watched as Maria counted the money and then wrote it down before placing it into a safe and locking it up. "Head on home, I'm sure your father is looking for you."

I stood up from my seat, "Step-Father." I corrected her. Maria laughs slightly and I disappear into the back room. I grabbed my backpack swinging it over my shoulder and pulled my cell phone out to see it's only a little after nine.

I left the restaurant and started my walk home. It was pitch black outside, so I had to use the light from my phone to see the name's of the side streets I take. I couldn't even ignore how cold it really was out here.

I was shivering, October was ending and November was slowly making a break through. Sometime's I wonder if I'm actually living in California or if I'm in Alaska. I put my free hand into my pocket to keep it warm as I held my phone for the light with the other.

When I saw my street come to view, I ran. I wanted to get home, even though I hated it there. Atleast it would be warm.

I unlocked the front door, and went inside only to see my step father sitting on the couch with Paul beside him as they got drunk. I cringed, another long night. I walked in further and tried to get away with either of them seeing me.

"Alexis!" Tim's voice shouted, making me stop and turn to him.

"What?" I say quietly.

"Suspension? Hmm?" He replied as he takes a swig of his beer. I don't answer him. "Did you hear me fucking speak?"

Paul started laughing as he stood up and walked toward me. "Maybe's she's gone deaf." He said as he poked me, making me jump back and move away from his filthy hands.

"Alexis, don't be rude to my friends now..." Tim groans, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the living room. He pushed me onto the couch and him and Paul sat on either side of me. "Spend some time with us." He said as he started changing the channels on the TV.

I felt Paul's hand on my leg, and I moved my leg away only for him to put it on me again, much higher this time. "I-I actually have a lot of homework to do." I stuttered trying to get up.

Paul put his hand out, blocking me and pushing me back onto the couch. "Nonsense, you have a week to do that... Afterall you were suspended." He stated smirking as his hand moved up my leg again.

"Don't have sex on my couch you nasty fucks!" Tim chuckles as he gets up and throws his bottle at the wall causing it to shatter.

I pushed Paul off of me only for him to come back and get on top of me, making me fall back on the couch. "How 'bout a threesome Tim?" Paul suggested as he looked up at Tim.

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