Snow Fall

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I wrote this poem to Benjamin while he was with Bree. It was on my phone, with many typos and such, but I've fixed it up. He still hasn't seen it.

The snow is falling like I did for you.
I don't know how I've made it through.
It's hard and fast and all at once.
It's been like this for far too many months.

I thought I was done-
Considered myself moved on.
But you came back like a song
I've known every word to for far too long.

It's been a long while,

And I'm still in denial.
I can't get over you,
And I honestly don't know what to do.

I said I was done- 
Even tried moving on
But no one else compared
To anything we've shared.

I said everything was fine
But inside I'm really dyin'.
You talk of another girl
And it's making my head twirl.

Cause I believed I was done
But I never really moved on.
Now your're stuck in my head
While she's hangin' out in your bed.

Now you're the one done.
It's you who's moved on.
I thought you'd never be gone
But I guess I was wrong.

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