Chapter Four: Should've Said No

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Alex stumbled around the kitchen while Branden asked if he and I could talk privately. I could sense Benjamin didn't like the idea, and frankly, neither did I. Even so, I nodded silently and walked over to a far corner of the flat. It was far enough so- if we talked quietly- no one would hear us, but it was close enough so Benjamin could still see me, and I could still see Alex.

When we were both in the semi-privacy of the corner, Branden half whispered- half yelled at me. "Boyfriend?! What happened to 'I'll be with you for ever and ever'?!" I could tell he was upset, but he was being over-dramatic.

I couldn't help but think of some of those moments when we told each other those exact words. Then I got upset.

"I don't know, Branden. What did happen?" I replied sarcastically. "Oh, I remember. You used me! You let your friends use me!" I hated that memory. Four guys, one drunk girl, and a dark room with nothing but a bed. "It's been over a year since you threw me out, and you expect me not to date another guy?! You expect me to just sit around and wait, and when you finally come, to crawl back into your arms?" I was more then upset now. I was furious!

I saw Benjamin try to look busy on his phone.

This night was not going as planned.

I tried to finish our conversation so I could get Branden away from Benjamin, and Benjamin away from Alex. "Branden, like I said earlier, I was getting ready for a date. Our one year anniversary actually," I noticed Alex sit down in the living room, a plate of pancakes on his lap. He glared at Benjamin, and I got a little more anxious to finish our conversation and get everyone away from everyone.

Branden tried to say something, but I stopped him. "You've already made us late for our date. So if you could please leave here, and then leave me alone, that would be great. Because after what you did- after you broke my heart and used me- it would be the lea-" I didn't get to finish my sentence.

He cut me off.

He cut me off!

Not with words either. No, I would have much rather preferred words.

Branden- MY EX BOYFRIEND- gathered up enough courage to kiss me.

In front of my brother.

And my boyfriend.

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