Chapter Fifteen: I Knew You Were Trouble

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I really should have pulled away. But I really couldn't. He was really addictive. I know I shouldn't say that, because I have a boyfriend and all, but he was. I placed my hands behind his neck- like I'm not suppose to- and pulled him closer.

I could tell he was a little shocked I kissed him back, but his shock quickly passed. He placed his hands at my waist to pull me closer too, just like he's not suppose to.

This kiss started safe and apologetic. It ended up being deeper and more passionate, just like it's not suppose to be. 

I know, I know, I had to pull away before I do anything else I'd regret. Yet I did't.

He moved over for the last time, killing off the empty space between us. His hand had traveled up to my hair, while mine had made their way down his shoulders to either side of his arms. We were still trying to pull each other closer, despite the fact it was practically impossible. 

He slowly pushed me back so he was lightly laying on top of me. Only then did everything register. Like, I knew already what I was doing was wrong, but the weight of it all seemed to suddenly hit me.

I pulled back quickly and rolled away from him, pulling his hands out of my hair and some how managing to land on the floor.

I scrambled to an upright position as I thought back over the last minute. No. It had been longer than a minute. Oh gosh, what had I just done?

The both of us were breathing heavily and staring at each other, decided what to do next. Do I say something? Do I walk out and pretend nothing happened? 

Either way, I needed a minute to myself, so I walked to my door and opened it. I was more than excited to see another door behind it, this one made of flesh and blood.

Martha, Alex and Benjamin were standing in front of me, slightly unstable from having their support pulled from them. It would have been comical if 1.) they weren't eavesdropping, 2.) Branden and I weren't out of breath, 3.) my hair wasn't a mess, and 4.) Branden didn't have red lipstick smudged across his mouth. My red lipstick.

Nice going, Elizabeth.

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