Chapter Ten: Invisible

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I finished making my tea and even drank it all, but still, no one did anything. Well, I shouldn't say that. Branden attempted to apologize, Benjamin and Alex continued whispering, and Buki got annoyed at the lack of attention he was receiving.

I cleaned up my supplies, walked to my room, came back to the kitchen, made a second cup of coffee, then cleaned that up. If it wasn't obvious, I was trying to look busy- not scared about what Benjamin and Alex were whispering about, or anxious to get away from Branden.

I leaned against the counter and tried to watch the scene in front of me. I drank my tea slowly and asked myself questions, instead of paying attention to what was happening. Most of the questions revolved around Branden.

Why does he think I'd want to be with him? Especially after what I told Alex and Benjamin?

Why does he think I'll leave Benjamin for him?

Why do we keep meeting after I repeatedly tell him to leave?

Why do Benjamin and Alex keep looking over here?

No, seriously. Within the last two minutes, they've looked over a combined number of thirteen times. I'm a little scared.

Benjamin said something apparently funny, because Alex laughed and agreed rather loudly. I hope this alliance doesn't last very long, because I'm more weirded out than scared now.

I watched them for another five minutes, finished off my tea, and decided I'd make my own conversation, since no one wanted to make one with me.

Hey! How'd the date go?
       It didn't.
What do you mean?
       We didn't go on our date.
Why not? What happened?
       How soon can you be over here?
Baker Street?
Seven minutes.

Eight minutes later, after I finished a third cup of tea (I don't think I'll be drinking any more of this stuff for a few days), someone buzzed the flat. I knew exactly who it was this time. I flew down the stairs and opened the door, relieved to see Martha Jones directly in front of me. I hugged her immediately.

"Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly, wrapping her arms around me.

"Kind of. Actually, no. Not really." I pulled away from the hug and looked over Martha. She was in her signature pink leather jacket that only she could pull off, a black tank top, faded blue jeans, and black slip-ons. It was definitely a last minute outfit.

"Why don't we go upstairs and discuss what's wrong over a cup of tea?" she suggested.

"No." I shook my head. "I've had like, three cups of tea in the past half hour. I think I'm good for a while."

"Then let's just go upstairs."

I shook my head again. Branden and Alex and Benjamin were upstairs. We couldn't go upstairs.

"Why not? Liz, what's going on?" Martha's mom voice came out. While Martha was one of my best friends, she had a tendency to act like my mom a majority of the time, especially when she was worried about me. Or I did something bratty...

"Branden and Benjamin and Alex are upstairs."

"Why is Branden here?"

"Same reason as a year ago." The last time I saw Branden, Martha was there immediately. She heard all about it. That day was also the day I first met Benjamin. How ironic.

"What about Benjamin and Alex? What are they doing?"

"I think they're plotting against Branden, but I'm not positive."

There was a moment of silence as we both thought, then Martha spoke. "Why don't we go see wh-" She was cut off by what sounded like glass shattering. The sound definitely came from upstairs.           

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