Chapter Two: The Last Time

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Of course the look I originally had on my face was one of annoyance- completely and totally meant for only Benjamin and his unbelievable earliness. Unfortunately, that was not the face meant for the person on the other side of the door. I had to close the door and count to five before I could even think properly. 

I didn't believe who was at my door when I first saw him. But it had to be him. No one else wore that ridiculous bow-tie and knew my name. 

I took a deep breath, opened the door and stared straight into the face of the man standing on my welcome mat. This man just so happened to be Branden, my ex boyfriend. The one person I actually planned on never seeing for the rest of my life. The last person I wanted to see today. Totally not worthy of the welcome he was standing on.

"Hello, Liz!" He was always so cheerful and confident. It was cute while we were dating, but now it just got on my nerves. "I was wondering," his confidence and excitement all of a sudden wavered. "I've heard y- I know you don't re-" he couldn't seem to form a coherent thought. 

Branden took a deep breath and tried again. "Elizabeth, I really love you, and I hate not having you around." I was speechless. What gut he had! After everything he's done, he thinks I'll come crawling back to him?! Just because he smoothly stated he loved me didn't mean a thing. Clearly I hadn't told him such enough times, because he continued talking. "I know what I did was wrong, and you shouldn't forgive me, but I-"

That was it. I had had enough of his stupid apologies. "You're right. I shouldn't forgive you. And I don't. Now, for the umpteenth time, goodbye." I tried shutting the door, but Branden had better ideas. his foot was wedged in the door.

I just want to finish getting ready.

"Could you please give me a second chance? I promise, I won't do it again. We can go travel, adventure, everything we used to do." I saw how desperate he was, along with how sad, and hopeful that I might say yes. Hope. I hated it.

Another thing I saw was Benjamin. It was out of the corner of my eye- I almost didn't notice, but one glance was all it took for a flood of worry to drown me.

Branden and I must have been talking longer than I thought.

I had to get rid of Branden.

I also had to finish getting ready.

"Listen, Branden, it was great seeing you again," it wasn't, but I had to be polite, "but I'm actually getting ready for a date. My one year, actually." I tried not to notice Benjamin walking closer as I subtly tried to imply that he needed to leave, but they were both a bit more difficult than I thought they would be.

Branden didn't move, and soon Benjamin was in our presence. He looked dazzling. He had on a grey suit, a crisp white button down, and a solid black tie.

"Hello, sweetheart," he beamed. Normally when he called me that, I melted a little inside, but I was too hyped up on nerves considering Branden still hadn't moved.

Benjamin pulled me into a side hug and kissed my forehead. He seemed to all of a sudden notice Branden, and put on his friendliest smile. "Hello, I'm Benjamin, Elizabeth's boyfriend." He held out his hand. Always so polite.

Branden put on the same face and shook Benjamin's hand. "I'm Branden." He left out the ex-boyfriend part.

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