Chapter Fourteen: The Way I Loved You

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Elizabeth's POV

He still wasn't doing anything except looking at me. I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. I looked down at my hands and cleared my throat.

He seemed to snap out of his trace. He looked down also. Apparently he didn't know what to say just as much as I didn't. Maybe I was suppose to speak first. Maybe he was just thinking.

I took a deep breath and looked over at him, trying to muster up something to say. "I, uhm, I'm really sorry about slapping you earlier." I started. He laughed before I could say anything more. I smiled. His laugh was the same as a year ago- cheerful, authentic, and adorable. Wait. No. Stop that Elizabeth. You're taken.

"It's alright. I kinda deserved it, didn't I?" He looked over at me, a smile still on his face, and I promise you my heart jumped. Why was it doing this? Only Benjamin was suppose to give me that feeling.

"Maybe. I shouldn't have unleashed Benjamin and Alex though."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah. That was a bit harsh." We were both talking just above a whisper, like we were telling each other secrets and we didn't want anyone even close to hearing them. No one else was in the room though, so I don't know why we were doing that.

We went quiet again, but only for a minute. Apparently Branden had thought of something to say. "Listen, Liz, I'm really sorry about what I did. I didn't do it for my advantage. I-" He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if what he was trying to say was printed on the back of his eyelids. "I did it out of revenge. I figured you would stop going to parties if you learned a consequence of going to them." He opened his eyes again and stared intently at the floor.

"I realized when you fell back asleep- when the other guys left- that I should have just talked to you. I felt so disgusted with myself," his voice was filling with anger, and I almost moved away. "and I thought you were too- disgusted with me. So I packed your stuff for you and dropped you off near your home. I said the things I did because I needed you to hate me. Because, if you hated me, there would be no point in trying to get you back." He stopped for a couple moments, then turned his upper body to face me.

"I realized after a couple of months that I didn't function the same way I did when we were dating. The adventuring wasn't fun anymore. My days were filled with nothingness. So I tried coming to see you. I kept trying to apologize, but I noticed I was always too forward.

"Today was going to be my last attempt. I almost left when I saw your boyfriend, but something made me stay." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He clearly couldn't figure out why he was still here. He huffed in frustration, and I figured he was done.

"You're not expecting me to leave Benjamin for you, are you?" I rubbed my arm, trying to find a way to move. I could never sit still in intense situations like this. 

"No! Maybe. Yeah, I kinda was." He hung his head in shame.

"If I wasn't dating Benjamin, would you expect me to accept your apology and date you again?" I noticed my voice was getting quieter and quieter.

"Yes. No. I don't know." He shook his head and buried it in his hands. He must have been just as confused as I was.

We both sat quietly, thinking over what was just said. If I wasn't dating Benjamin, would Branden still be here? Or would I have shooed him off long before now.

Branden looked at me suddenly, and I stopped my 'if' thoughts. He whispered his next statement as he took one of my hands in both of his. Pullawaypullawaypullaway. I didn't. "Elizabeth Holmes, I broke your heart, and I wanted to be the one to put it back together. I would wait for ever and ever to have you back." He was quoting Taylor Swift, which was my absolute weakness. "I love you Liz. I really do. And I have run out of ways to say it, except..." I suddenly noticed his nearness. He was getting closer too. I didn't back away.

It was all in slow motion.

Until he kissed me.

And I didn't pull away.

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