Chapter Five: If This Was A Movie

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I was completely disoriented. I heard Benjamin get up, but I had this handled.  I quickly pulled together my thoughts and pulled away from Branden. He looked completely dazed, which made the next moment even better.

Branden most definitely could not go unpunished for kissing me and cutting me off. So, immediately after I pulled away, I slapped him. It was the most sensible thing to do at the moment, and it was only the beginning. My hand almost immediately started tingling.

Benjamin was instantly by my side, and- surprisingly enough- so was Alex. While Branden held is reddening cheek, I held up a hand, telling Alex and Benjamin to wait. Like I said, I had this covered.

"Did you really think cutting me off was a good idea?" I started. "Especially with a kiss? That is not only rude, but diminishing, sexist, and cliché." I ticked off the words on my fingers. "Seriously, the fact that you thing it's okay to cut a me off with a kiss- that it's cute and I will be totally submissive- is totally mind blowing and- and- and terrible!" I paused to take a breath. I had been in a rant mode where  I don't really think about what I'm saying or when I'm breathing.  Most of the time I just put stuff together that sounds good and if I take a minute to breathe, than I either lose my train of thought or start second guessing my words.

"That was your first mistake. Your second was just flat out kissing me. In front of my highly intoxicated, overprotective brother, and my loving, also overprotective boyfriend. But I should let them do what they want with that." I finished my speech and stepped away, leaving enough room for Benjamin and Alex to get to Branden.

Branden didn't even have time to hold up his hands in self defense before Alex punched him square in the jaw. He staggered back, but not far enough, because Benjamin followed, punching Branden hard enough he fell against the counter and to the floor.

Alex and Benjamin continued this rhythm for what probably seemed like forever to Branden. I had to admit, I felt a bit terrible for unleashing the two of them on Branden, but I wasn't thinking kindly. I actually hadn't been thinking at all.

The kiss had thrown me off, and not because it was unexpected. Okay, yes, it was unexpected, but it freaked me out because I felt something. Almost like when we dated, before things got boring. I felt like I did when it was exciting to have a boyfriend, not a normal, everyday thing.

That's why I slapped him. To stop feeling. I honestly hadn't meant to hurt him, or let Benjamin and Alex hurt him. I wasn't paying attention. It's like someone else was speaking and directing for me, while I stood back in utter shock.

But this is not a sappy story about how I suddenly fell for him again. Far from it.

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