Note: My Parent's Anniversary

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Today, seventeen years ago, my parents got married... So I kind of can't update today xD

None of us remembered until about an hour ago. We looked at the date and my dad screamed the s word because he forgot. He knew it was the 23rd of January but it didn't register in his head that today was the 23rd. Every year he buys her yellow roses for their anniversary (those are her fav flowers) and because he forgot he didn't. My mom laughed at him xD

So, happy anniversary to my parents. Congrats on dealing with each other for seventeen years... plus the extra five years of the on and off relationship you had xD

I can't update this book because it takes hours for me to type up a chapter but I can tell a story I know by heart, my parents story.

Basically, they met because of Kmart. My Grumpy was manager there and forced my dad to get a job there. My Grandma Banks told my mom to apply there and my mom got the job. 

So around Christmas time my mom was new and didn't really know anyone. My dad was passing out Christmas cards to everyone and because she was new, he didn't have one for my mom. 

When my mom saw she said, "Now you have to take me out on a date." She was actually joking but my dad didn't know so he ended up taking her out on a date on January 2nd, some year in the 90s (I think)

They dated until July 26th (my little sister's birthday) exactly eleven years before my little sister was born, my dad broke up with my mom. It's hilarious how that worked out with my sister's birthday. My dad broke up with my mom but they, obviously, never went their separate ways. 

So my mom actually lived with my dad and my Grandma Pat, my dad's mom. So my dad and mom had to see each other all the time. They somewhat got back together one day and... well, just take a guess. (ew). 

Anywho, my older sister came nine months after that but let's not skip the main part of the story. 

One day, my dad went up to my mom and was like, "How long does it take to plan a wedding?"

And my mom was like, "Three months, why?"

And then my dad just walked away. (I think... or he changed the convo subject. My parents aren't specific with their stories. I actually have no idea how long they dated.)

So the next day my dad when my mom and dad were in the car driving to a Halloween party, my dad was like, "Hey, Jess, should I cut my hair before the wedding?"

And my mom was like, "What wedding?"

Then he replied, "Our wedding." and my mom looked at him like 'da fuq' and she told me she went into this weird state of shock. 

Because my parents suck at stories, I have no idea what else they said in the car. I have no idea what happened. I could ask since my mom is sitting right in front of me doing bills to some crap but I'm too lazy.

On January 23rd what my dad says was one of the worst days of his life happened: they got married. 

My dad says it was one of the worst days not because he married my mom but because of the people there. My mom has five siblings and three of them had children at the time. (my auntie Angela only had three but now she has five and one of them, my fav, has a son now) Then there was my dad's side of the family with all his cousins. Then there's all my parents friends. And everyone wanted to be in the wedding party. Everyone. My dad got sick and tired and just wanted the day to end because he hated pleasing everyone. 

Anyways, on May 22nd, my dad's birthday and five months after their wedding, my mom had a c-section so my sister would be brought to life. My dad just kept poking my sister over and over and my mom said she didn't know whether she wanted to laugh or cry at that. 

not going to specify how much time after wards my mom fell pregnant with me a litter earlier than she wanted but meh. Then I was born. Yay?

And three or four or five years later (not specifying) my little sister was born. 

She screwed my mom's insides up so much that there's no more babies for our family. Go Lisa!

So, that's the story of my parents. Thanks for reading if you've read this far c:

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