Chapter Twenty-Seven

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a/n: Decided to go for a little of the babysitting and then other scenes. Man, you guys are excited for the baby. Same, tbh. I just want to write the chapter where it's born and get it over with. CURSE MY BEING A SLOW STORY LINE WRITER. UGH.

Also, you should know I already pre-picked out Sophie and Keefe's future children names. Only one person knows ONE of the names because it's her name and I asked to use it. (You know who you are.) Instead, I'll let you guys vote on the gender. I have names for both genders because they're not just going to have one kid and their multiple kids will be of different genders. 

chapter question: You guys should tell me some embarrassing stories of yourself. I will reply to the comments (probably using my first account) with an embarrassing story of my own. All different. That's how many I have.. and they're interesting because my entire life is embarrassing xD edit: so I wrote the authors note before school and now it's after school and I have a really embarrassing story that happened to me today that I really want to tell someone xD

"What about this name?" Sophie questioned. 

Keefe shook his head and said, "No, that's lame. We need a cool name. Our baby should be cool."

"If it's a girl?"

"She needs to be even more cool," he said with a low hum. "What about a human name?"

"I want her to fit in," Sophie said, frowning. 

"What about a human name with a elfish tone to it?"

She thought about it. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" He grinned. "I'll take that." He looked at Adela. "What do you want to name your cousin?"

Adela looked up from her spot on the floor where she was playing with toys. "Adela," she answered.

Sophie laughed. "Honey, that's your name. We can't use it."

"We could be name twins," she said, grinning. "I want a name twin."

Sophie smiled while shaking her head. "No. Your name should stay as special as it currently," Sophie said before picking her up. "I think you need a diaper change," she said. 

"I wear pull-ups," she cheered, grinning. 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Fine. I think you need a pull-up change," she corrected. 

"You can take it," Keefe said, picking up a book of names. "I'm going to be looking through this." Sophie nodded and took Adela into another room.

Just as she walked into a different room, the door opened and Ashla gasped. "What did you do to my baby?" Ashla asked, storming into the room. She started to look under the furniture. 

"Ashla," Fitz said, coming in behind her, "the baby isn't going to be under furniture."

She looked up. "I want my baby. Where is she?"

"Relax Momma Bear. Sophie went to go change her pull-up." Keefe didn't even look up from his book. 

She let out a sigh of relief. "This is why I should've stayed home like last time."

"Ashla... last time you were nine months pregnant," Fitz reminded. "You really wouldn't stand spending five minutes with my family, nevermind two hours."

"That was more than a year," Keefe commented. "How are these meetings spaced out?"

Fitz shrugged. "They're just there."

Keefe rolled his eyes, but still nodded. Sophie walked in before Keefe could respond, Adela curled up in her arms. "Sorry it took so long," she apologized. "She ended up being really tired."

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