Chapter Thirty-Five

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a/n: I already started writing the epilogue cause I was so hype xD

So my health final was so easy. The bad part, though, is that I had an 'essay' question (more like paragraph) and I decided to write this paragraph on why abstinence benefits my health. I had to have at least five sentences and I only had three. 'Abstinence helps benefit my health. Thanks to my practicing abstinence I won't be getting pregnant at __. I also won't be getting STD's.' literally I just went on and on about not having a boyfriend to not practice abstinence with after this because I didn't know what to do. Now my gym teacher, who's a guy, knows all about my non-existent love life. xD

Speaking of love lives, my sister has one now. I forgot to tell you guys but on Wednesday her Junior Prom (we call it ring dance at my school) date asked her to be his girlfriend. It was cute. He had no confidence also so it was funny as hell to see everyone yelling at him to just spit it out already while my sister stood there in embarrassment. What's even better though is he has the SAME EXCACT NAME as my dad's best friend. Like, first and last. Not middle, thank gosh. So today on the announcements Matt, her boyfriend, name came up and I was like, 'When did dad's friend grow young enough to go here?' and it took me a second xD

Also, today while I was on the bus I was on my kindle. When I turn my kindle on it gives me ads because it likes to be difficult while I try and type in my password (my kindle has a pass just like my iPod and my laptop. Can't trust my family.)  And the ad that popped up was Exile and I literally squealed really loud and James, the senior who stalks my sister, was all like, "What?" So I showed him the book and he was like, "So what?"

and I literally shouted, "YOU DO NOT USE THAT TONE IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND YOU BUTTHOLE!" and my friend Gabby was like "chill."

anywhos. I'm going to give you all a name. 

Hi people c:

not reread or edited 

"Hi Forkle," Sophie greeted, smiling slightly. She held Kenric up and passed him into Forkle's arms.

"I didn't know you guys were coming," Forkle exclaimed, looking to Kenric. "Did she tell me you guys were coming over?" he questioned, walking them into the living room where Sophie's human parents were sitting in front of a scrabble board.

"It's kind of a last minute thing," Sophie explained as Forkle set Kenric down in his baby seat at Forkle's kitchen table.

"What is it about?"

"Well, you know how much we love Kenric?" Sophie questioned, poking her son's cheek playfully which made him giggle. 

"Yeah. . . "

"Well, how about you tell him Kenric?" Sophie moved so her knees were bent and she was eye-level with Kenric. 

Kenric beamed and turned to Forkle. "I'm gonna be an older brother," he spoke proudly.

Sophie grinned at him and kissed his cheek before turning back to Forkle and smiling softly. Mr. Forkle gave her a small hug. "Congratulations!" He beamed. "Hey, how's mentoring?"

She took a seat and started to watch the game of scrabble they were playing. She shrugged. "Kamry's really improving and I think if I spend enough time coaching her right now she can learn to do positive infl--uences on people like me." Sophie cut herself off when she remembered her human parents being in the room. "And Julia is just plain fantastic. I don't know what I did to get such an amazing prodigy. I actually trusted her enough to babysit Kenric on Saturday."

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