Chapter Twenty-Nine

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a/n: I was watching an American Girl Movie with my little sister while writing this. 

chapter question: Have you even seen an American Girl movie before?

I've seen McKenna, Saige, Grace, Kit, Chrissa, and Isabelle. Idk how many there are but I know there's more than the ones I've seen. My favorite is McKenna, which I've seen like a billion times. Tbh I don't care I'm in high school. I still like "little kid" stuff xD

This book is coming to an end soon *cries* but hey, once it ends you get that awesome Neverseen one-shot where I turn the ending into a huge team foster-keefe moment. It's going to be awesome. I've already started writing it and it's turning out awesome. Probably because I am literally going off of what is written in Neverseen though while writing some different stuff if that makes sense. 

THIS IS THE LAST BOOK. There will be no third book. I was going to write one based off their future children but I just don't have the heart to drag this book on, you know? I'd rather end it on a good note where I know what I'm doing and it's all happy. There will be five, maybe one or two more, chapters and also an epilogue. So, basically I plan to end this in the next week or two. 

not reread or edited.

"You should tell us the gender," Ashla said, placing some ice cream into her mouth. Everyone was at Mr. Forkle's house, trying some human food. 

Sophie shook her head. "You made me wait so I'm making you wait," she told her, grinning. 

"Keefe, do you know the gender?" Biana asked curiously. "I mean, technically you kept the gender of that baby from all of us, too."

Keefe rolled his eyes before nodding. "Yes, I know the gender. I was there when she found out, first of all. Second, I kinda have to know."

"Well, you don't have to know," Ashla cut in. "I mean, there are parents who wait until it's born to learn. What's the difference if you're the waiting parent and Sophie isn't?"

"Well, it's too late now," Sophie said. "He already knows."

"You haven't learned the mind erasing trick yet?" Ashla frowned. "You should."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Only old people know that trick, I thought."

"If you trained hard enough maybe you could learn," Fitz said. 

"Okay, guys. One thing at a time," she said, brushing it off. "Now, name ideas."

"Gender needs to be known," Ashla said. 

"I know the gender," Biana said smugly. She looked at Sophie. "I'll give you one for both genders. In the future if you have one of an opposite sex, you can you use my other one."

"Say them," Sophie said, smiling. 

"Rowan for a girl," she said. She paused. "And, uh, Kenric for a boy."

Sophie frowned. "Kenric. . . That's actually a good idea." She tilt her head. "Why Rowan? What's it mean?"

"Well, technically it's the name of a tree," she replied. "I don't know. I was just thinking... Well, humans don't have to have a reason for naming their kids, so why do we? I mean, I would be perfectly fine naming my future daughter just something that sounds really pretty without a deep meaning."

Sophie shrugged. "It is pretty. It's just. . . Rowan is a guys name."

She shook her head. "I don't believe that a name can be specifically for one gender."

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