Chapter Twenty-Two

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a/n: I hate this stupid laptop. I hate it. It's slow and the keyboard is too different from my usual keyboard. BUT I LOVE THIS LAPTOP BECAUSE IT'S MINE AND NO MORE FIGHTING OVER THE COMPUTER WITH THE LITTLE SISTER YAY

Chapter question: How many children do you want Sophie and Keefe to have?

I want them, personally, to have either two or three... but I'd definitely be okay with a surprise fourth xD

not reread or edited

"Adela," Fitz finished.

"Adela?" Sophie grinned.

"It sounds like Alden," Ashla said. "That won Fitz over."

"It also starts with an A for Ashla," Fitz reminded. "And Ashla threatened me if I didn't pick the name."

"How?" Keefe asked, grinning. "I need pointers."

"I threatened him by saying if he doesn't name her Adela, every time the baby cries, he's in charge of taking care of it. Dirty diapers, feeding the formula, and burping. He'd also be in charge of making her go back to sleep. Now, think of that happening every night and all day. . . " Ashla smirked at Fitz who rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he agreed on the name."

Keefe stared in awe. "You're an evil genius." His eyes widened. "Please teach me your ways."

"Yeah, well you get extra crabby when you're pregnant. You can't do that, so I'm sorry. But, hey, I could teach your wife some stuff instead so she can threaten you."

Keefe waved her off. "I'd rather you not."

She laughed and turned to Fittz "Your turn to hold the baby."

He grinned and they slowly switched the baby from her arms to his. He grinned down at his daughter before looking at all his friends. "When can her aunt hold her?" Biana asked, peering over his shoulder at the baby.

"When my turn is over I guess I can let you hold her," Fitz said. 

"Hey, I want to hold her too," Sophie said, smiling at the baby. 

"You can hold her after me," Biana said. "The boys aren't allowed to hold the baby," she added, looking at Dex and Keefe who were standing together by the door just staring. 

"Why?" Keefe asked, frowning.

"You're more likely to drop the baby," Ashla said. "Me and the girls all agreed that you three are only allowed to hold babies of your own blood."

"When did you come up with this?" Fitz asked, frowning. 

"Um. . . Sophie and Keefe's wedding day. We were waiting for it to start together and in the middle of getting ready. . . Then we came up with it," Biana said. "It was Ashla's idea when we talked about who got to hold the baby first after it was born."

"Yeah, we all tried to imagine you guys holding babies and all of us got scared that you guys would joke or something and drop them," Ashla added in.

"The I said of course you guys had the right to hold your own kids," Sophie said.

"And so you're only allowed to hold your own," Biana finished.

"Um, how come you guys get to decide what we do?" Keefe asked, frowning.

"Yeah, what if I said I was okay with Keefe or Dex holding the baby," Fitz jumped in, frowning.

"How about you carry her in your stomach for nine months and we'll see," Ashla said, raising an eyebrow in warning.

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