Chapter Thirty-Four

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a/n: Okay I'm NOT really sorry for not updating yesterday. At all. I usually go to sleep at like.. 1 in the morning and then wake up at 5 a.m. which is so unhealthy and yesterday I guess it all caught up to me because I fell asleep at 8:45 p.m. and woke up four minutes before leaving for school (7:39a.m.) and I almost missed my bus but it was so worth it because I haven't slept for so long since seventh grade.

Also, this week has been so hectic and I'm so happy it's ending. I have homework in all four of my classes, which is weird because usually the most I have is from two. In PE my health final exam is tomorrow so I'm going to "study" (we get to use our binders on the tests because my teacher is awesome) and I have to score at least a 90 on that. Our final exam grade is an average on if we changed for PE, our written health exam, and a 20-meter pacer. (I have to run at least 40 pacers for that to get a B- but I'm really overweight so the most I can usually do is 35 and that's when I REALLY push myself Dx)

I also have to use my head-start on my final exam for English, which is a persuasive essay. I'm writing on whether kids should be forced to join art programs or not. I said heck yeah. If I have to take PE even though I'm overweight and can't do anything, PE kids should have to take art classes even though their voice is squeaky and they can't even draw a stick figure.

I also have a test on my body parts vocab in French tomorrow (les fesses is the word for butt cheeks so y'all know)... and I need to finish my quizlet and finish my actual written homework (look up quizlet. It is like God coming straight from heaven for foreign language students who use it. It helps me in French so much.)

and in keyboarding I have some stuff I forgot to print out at school so I need to print it out at home.

So yeah... I really shouldn't be writing right now. But I am.

(side note, the reason I have four classes a day is because all my classes are by semesters and each class is 90 minutes. So I have to be active in PE for 90 minutes, sit down and listen to my English teacher talk about how much she loves grammar and her son and her dog named after the To Kill a Mockingbird author for 90 minutes, sit in a typing class that's silent for 60 minutes, go to lunch where I sit at my table for 10 minutes and eat then go to my friend's table and just stand there while I talk to her for 20 minutes, then go back to keyboarding and sit in the all-silent-but-typing class for another 30 minutes, then go to a class where I have to sit there for 90 minutes and try and understand my teacher when she speaks French and hope and pray to God she doesn't pick me to answer her questions because I usually have no idea what the hell she's trying to say.)

not reread or edited.. and I just realized the pants I wore to school today have a huge rip at THAT part o.o

edit: my dad came into the room and was like, "you were supposed to do the dishes." and I was like, "I know." and then he just stared at me typing up the chapter (and he could tell it was wattpad.) and then I was like, "I'm doing my french homework." (even though we both knew I was writing this.) and then he scoffed so I said, "I'm just taking a break that lasted from... yesterday." and then he walked away... So I'm still writing this xD

ALMOST FORGOT chapter question is just tell me a basic body part and I'll tell you the french definition because that's my way to study for my test tomorrow...

"Why did you want to go out today?" Keefe asked curiously. 

She shrugged. "We're both off work at the same time for the first time in a while." They had changed their schedules where he was off during the day and he could take care of Kenric, then when she got home from Foxfire they had one hour together before Keefe had to go to work until really late at night. 

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