Chapter Twenty-Five

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a/n: I was dancing and singing to Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney on repeat while writing this and idk why. edit: I also listened to his song Leavin' and ughhhh I have a secret (like, VERY secret) obsession with him. Like, if anyone at my school reads this and finds out I will cry in embarrassment. Funny story is one time Beautiful Soul came on during PE and I was belting out the lyrics and I didn't realize I was the only one who knew what it was and my friends were looking at me like (O.o)

Just so you guys know, I will not be updating until next year starts

chapter question #1: how corny was that?

I literally make jokes like that every time and my family is done. Some jokes include:

"Man, it feels like I haven't slept since last year."

"I haven't gone to the bathroom since last year."

"Come on! I haven't listened to this song since last year. I'm not obsessed."

"The last last time I watched that show was last year."

etc. etc. My family gets so tired. 

chapter question #2: what are your 2016 goals?

My goals are to get some friends. As of this moment I am the definition of loner. I literally have no friends. Like, my mom was like "You should get your friends some Christmas presents." and I was thinking and then I was like, "No." and didn't tell her it's because I couldn't think of any to give presents too. Like, I have friends to talk to obviously. I just don't have any best friends that I would consider talking to out of school or giving Christmas presents too. My 2015 started out with having friends like that but by the end of the year we all grew apart. 

not reread or edited

"Oh my gosh, you're pregnant," Edaline said, grinning. 

Sophie nodded, a smile on her face. "Yeah."

Edaline pulled her into a hug. "That's great! Oh no, I'm going to be a grandmother. . ."

Sophie let out a laugh before being pulled into a different hug from Grady. "I'm proud of you," he whispered. 

She grinned. "I love you, dad."

He pulled back. "Why isn't Keefe telling us with you?" Grady asked, frowning. 

"He is the father, right?" Edaline cut in. 

Sophie let out a loud laugh. "Well, duh," she said. She calmed down. "I told him that I wanted to tell you guys without him so he's out there helping Fitz chase down Adela."

"Does Elwin know?" Grady asked. "I'm more than sure he'd be fine with being the baby doctor," he added.

She shook her head. "No. I'll tell him eventually, since I'm sure of that too."

She grinned. "So, let's get back to the party. I planned it which means I have to be there." They nodded and all left. Edaline and Grady both went to go talk with Alden and Sophie walked directly to Keefe. "I told them," she said.

He nodded. "So, who else should we tell?" 

"Tell what?" Dex asked. He was in a conversation with Keefe when Sophie walked up to him.

She smiled at him. "So Biana didn't tell you?"

His eyes widened. "Right she told me like, yesterday." He pulled her into a hug. "Congratulations." They pulled back. "I thought you guys were waiting," he commented. 

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