Chapter Thirty-Six

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a/n: The epilogue has like... Nothing anything close to an epilogue in it. It's more like an explanation on everyone's life. If you're all fine with that then I'm fine with that. If not, I think I have an idea of a scene I can write... But I kind of like the explanation of what happens to each character. I did that at the end of my book Letters to David. So maybe I can do an explanation on what happens to everyone and an epilogue?

Chapter question: Just tell me if I should do both or just one of them. If you're confused about what explanations are I recommend you go to my book Letters to David and read the "What Happens Next" chapter and that's basically the layout of a what happens next chapter. 

"Momma," Kenric said, "can I name the baby?"

Sophie turned to her son who was sitting on the floor next to the kitchen playing with his toys. She stood straighter and folded her arms across her chest. "You want to name the baby?"

He nodded over-exaggeratedly. "I wanna."

She smiled and leaned down so she was face to face with him. She was scared she'd loose her balance while talking to him so slowly she sat down on the kitchen floor in front of him. "Okay," she said. "Do you have names for a boy and girl?"

"Why can't I pick?" He frowned. 

Sophie let out a small laugh. "Baby, we have no choice in whether the baby is a boy or a girl," she told him. "It doesn't work that way."

He leaned in and whispered to her stomach, "I know I can't pick but I recommend you be a girl, okay? Try really hard."

Sophie held back her laugh and patted Kenric's head. "What's the name you picked out?"

"Rowan," he said. 

She frowned. "Did Aunty Biana set you up for this?" she questioned, thinking of the time everyone sat around and said baby names and Biana forced her to choose Rowan as an option. 

He shook his head. "I found a picture of a tree in my room in my nature book-"

"You have books?" She frowned. "But, you can't read."

He grinned. "Daddy reads to me sometimes when I have trouble sleeping. He said I can't tell you though or else you'll slap him because you didn't know and you probably would have wanted to know."

She looked at her son in surprise. "You're really smart, kid," she said, smiling. She took in a deep breath and made a note to slap Keefe later like Kenric said she would. "Anyways, what's this about a nature book?"

"Daddy gave me a nature book that's a book filled with pictures of nature stuff because it made me so bored I fell asleep," he explained. "Mommy, I don't like nature."

She chuckled. "And you saw the picture of the tree?"

"It was really pretty in the winter picture," he said. "And it was a human tree. It made me think of you." 

She grinned and picked him up while she got off the ground. "Well, how about you go into the living room and play with some more toys while I finish making your dinner. Also, get your dad."

He nodded and she placed him back on the floor, though this time he was standing up on his feet. He ran into the living room while shouting for Keefe to go into the kitchen. He walked in slowly, confused. "Was I supposed to do dinner tonight?" He asked, frowning.

Sophie shook her head, holding up the homemade stew made from Calla's recipe. "No, it was my turn," she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, I want you to know that if this baby is a girl, then Kenric has a name for it that he really wants," she said, turning to look at him for a split second. 

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