i want my big brother back

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Maddy's POV

i woke up to my sons faint cry's so i jumped out of bed and walked into the nersary that Jay had set up for him. Lottie was getting Jaxon out of the cot no i want mummy he cryed baby im here i said Lottie turned around and gave me a dirty look come here bubba i told hi as he had his arms out for me to take him sorry about him waking you up i told her she just looked at me like this has been hapening for ages i took him down stairs and made him a bottle and then we both went back to bed with Louis. All i could think of is how much i need my brother now and how i want him back Lou and i talked for a while and decided to go back to London today and try spending time with his family another time. as we pulled up i saw ash standing out side our place with bags i jumped out and i looked at her confussed where are you going i asked home what do you mean back to yours and Ni's or home home i asked worried of what she would tell me back to Ni's she said with a smile plasted accross her face. Ni pulled up and Ash said her goodbyes to me Lou and Jax we all walked in and i put Just down for a nap.

Lou and i sat on the lange and he looked at me can i ask you something he asked? i nodded

L) why did you run off when my sister said shit to you i get that it was uncalled for but still?

M) well i dont know i guess im sick of all the shit and yeah 

L) well you could have told me and i would have talked to her about it all you didnt have to run off

M) well im sorry about tha but what did you expect me to do im over all this shit and you  know what im over being the bad person when im not really.

L) i know your not and i was wondering why you never talk to me about all the shit you talk to Zayn and Ashley about i just dont get it.

M) because Louis when you wernt there i had no one but Ashley and my brother and now i dont have my only brother and well Zayn is the closest thing i have so i tell him everything.

L) yeah i know that but you could at least tell me about the things going around in your head not always taling to them about it!

M) look they have been there i know i can trust them with my life and i know i can with you it just hard okay!



i stood up and walked up to mine and Louis room i started packing clothes and everything i needed and then made a start on Jaxons room where are you going Louis asked me home was all i said you cant take him he yelled at me. watch me i can do what i want he is my son. i yelled Jaxon was cring as i got him out of his cot i grabed our bags and walked out the frount door as i started at walk i called a taxi to come get us down the road and soon we were waiting for the flight as the flight was called out i started walking but someone grabed my arm i turned to see Louis standing there tears falling i tryed to get away as i only wanted to go home but he tightend his grip.

L) i lost you once and i will not lose you again 

M) please just let me go you can still see Jaxon but Louis i told you im done

L) your not done

M) i am

L) do you still love me

i looked into his eyes and i couldnt lie i mean how could i, i do love him

M) yes 

L) well its setled you are coming home with me i need you i love you we were ment to be together Maddy you mean the world to me please just come home...

(A/N sorry for it being short not sure what i should do with this fanfic anymore but yeah coments are apreasated and if you guys have any ideas then tell me please ohh and if i dont update it's because i dont have my brothers laptop as he doesn't want me on wattpad and i cant come on. and also i shold be on more often in a few weeks or so as im getting my own laptop :) i also wont be able to update next week as i am going way to Hamilton Islad for a wedding once again i apoligize for spelling)

Me and Louis Tomlinsons baby boyWhere stories live. Discover now