Chapter 52

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*This chapter will stray away from the storyline a bit, just letting you guys know. I hope you guys like it*Mature content*

I wake up in Cami's apartment. I've been staying here for a little over a week now. I've been trying to avoid Klaus and Elijah at all costs. I still am in shock that Klaus just broke up with me, like nothing, after all we've been through he just sent me away. I sit up in my bed, my curls crazy and my clothes sloppy.

"Surprise!" I hear voices say as they pop into mine and Cami's bedroom. I let out a little scream but when I see the familiar faces a smile comes across my face and my heart warms up happily.

"Oh my god!" I say as I look at Caroline and Elena standing a few feet away from my bed.

"Surprise P! Woo Woo! We are here for a party pregnancy weekend!" Caroline says as her and Elena get on my bed and start jumping. Both of them pull me into a hug and I happily hug them back.

"I can't believe you guys are here! How did you find me?" I say them as we all just sit on my bed.

"Well, we said that we'd come up for a weekend this summer to see you!" Elena says smiling at me happily.

"Oh, and we went to the house we thought you were staying in but when we got there Elijah said that you weren't living with them anymore, so he gave us the address to your new place and here we are" Caroline explains.

"Yeah Elijah said that you and Klaus had a pretty messy break up, so you moved in with this girl Cami" Elena says as she looks at me sympathetically.

"Umm, yeah. Let's leave Klaus in the do-not discuss pile" I say with a little nervous laugh. "How did you guys get in here anyway?" I ask them curiously.

"Cami invited us in, we've been here for an hour but when we heard you wake up we came and bombarded you with our love" Caroline says hugging me tightly. I laugh and just look at them happily.

"I am so happy you guys are here, I really need both of you right now" I say as I just smile at them excited.

"We are happy to see you too P! We have the whole weekend planned out. It's going to be great, accept you might be designated driver for a little bit" Elena laughs.

"That's fine! Just let me get showered and we will do what you guys have planned" I say as I get out of bed.

"Wait, come out in this" Caroline says handing me a nude colored breast binder and nude spandex.

"Umm, okay??" I question as I continue to go to the bathroom. I quickly get showered and come out in the binder and spandex with my belly sticking out. I go into the kitchen and see Elena and Caroline stirring this type of paste. "What the hell?" I ask them with a little laugh.

"We picked this up on our way down here. It's like this thing that you put on your stomach and it dries and shows your baby bump, and then you can show your kid 'this is me when I was pregnant'" Elena says with a laugh.

"You guys are nuts" I say as I rest my hands on my baby bump.

"It's fun!" Caroline says as she takes a rubber spatula and starts smearing it on my stomach.

"Oh my god Caroline! That's cold!" I say as Elena starts to put some paste on.

"Stop your whining! It's going to look perfect and your daughter will thank you in the future" Caroline says to me sternly. They begin to smear the paste all over me.

"This is humiliating" I laugh as I feel the plaster start to dry.

"The plaster should be dry in a couple of minutes, so just sit still" Caroline says as she goes to the sink to wash the plaster off of her hands.

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