Chapter 26

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"Hey Damon!" I chirp as I peek through the door of the cell in the Salvatore basement.

"Oh great. Miss. Happy happy cheery fun time" Damon groans.

"I'm better than Stefan. He will just snap your neck" I say to him as I open up the cell and close it behind me.

"You realized that you just walked into a cell with a hungry vampire, right?" Damon asks me as he sits up weakly.

"I've been drinking vervain tea all morning, I wouldn't try anything" I say as I hand him the vile of blood I take from my purse.

"That's it?" Damon asks me upset.

"I brought this too!" I say as I pull out a bottle of bourbon and two glasses.

"That's not too bad I guess.." Damon mutters out as I hand him the vile of blood. "I thought it was trouble in paradise? Why are you so happy?" Damon asks me as he takes a sip of the blood.

"Well, after my little brother almost getting killed by you and Kol swirled around in my mind for a bit, I realized life goes on and I have to be there for the people I love" I say in my best cheery voice.

"So you and Klaus are still on the outs?" Damon questions curiously.

"As of now, yes" I say as I pour myself some bourbon and sit down across from Damon. "Ugh, Stefan is here" Damon says rolling his eyes. Damon struggles to get to the door and looks out the window. "Come to bleed me dry again?" Damon asks Stefan.

"Not exactly.." Stefan says.

"Hello mate" I hear a voice say, the voice I haven't heard in what seems like years. My heart stops. What the hell is he doing here?

"What the hell are you doing here?" Damon asks Klaus.

"Babysitting" Klaus retorts. I quickly get to my feet and look out the window with Damon.

"Okay, Damon already has a babysitter" I say glaring at Stefan.

"Ah Penelope! What a surprise!" Klaus says in a cheerful voice, just to be an ass.

"P get out of there" Stefan says rolling his eyes.

"No, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of Damon by myself" I say confidently. Stefan turns towards Klaus.

"Give him a vial of blood every hour so he doesn't desicate, if he gets too strong, or annoying, bleed grin dry" Stefan says in enjoyment.

"He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena" Damon says to Klaus.

"Ew" I mutter out.

"I don't think so mate, this morning I caught him sneaking out of Rebekah's room. So I think he's moved on from little Elena" Klaus says to Damon.

"Well, well it looks like my brother has ripped a page out of my revenge sex handbook" Damon says as he staggers away from the door.

"Oh my god, men are pigs" I say as I return to my spot in the cell.

"Alright then, all three of you enjoy your villain and mama P bonding time. I'll let you know if I get the dagger from Rebekah" Stefan says before leaving. Great, I get to spend the afternoon with my kind of ex boyfriend, fantastic.


"So, is this how the afternoon is going to go?" Damon asks klaus and I as we sit on completely opposite sides of the cell, both being stubborn.

"I'm not really sure what you are talking about mate" Klaus says keeping his eyes on Damon.

"How about the big ass elephant in the room! The fact that you two like hate each other now, what's up with that? Shouldn't you guys be like making up by now and going on your merry little way" Damon asks us curiously.

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