Chapter 51

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"I just got off the phone with Rebekah, she has successfully avoided Klaus for the night. Elijah has been protecting her" Marcel tells me as he walks into my room.

"Alright, here I will give you a ride to the church and then I'll head over to the cemetery to try and calm down Klaus. It's the least I can do" I say as I walk past Marcel.

"Do you really think that's a good idea P? I mean, you are pregnant after all, do you really need to be walking into a war zone?" Marcel asks me as him and I descend down the stairs.

"They are our family, Marcel. I'm having Klaus's baby and Klaus practically raised you, you are his son, and even though he wants to kill you at the moment, I'm not going to let him kill Rebekah or you" I say to Marcel as we walk out of the compound and get into my car.

"How did you even get roped up into all of this? Aren't you just a small town girl from Virginia?" Marcel asks as we begin to drive down the busy New Orleans streets.

"Well, I fell in love with Klaus Mikaelson, and now I'm here" is all I say to him.

"Alright, it's obvious that Elijah is like in love with you, but you choose to be with your deranged baby daddy who intends to kill his little sister, now please tell me how that works" Marcel says a little disgruntled at the fact that I am with Klaus.

"Elijah did what Elijah does best, he sacrificed his happiness for Klaus, and now he's paying for it. I feel like in the back of his mind, he thought that I'd just be done with Klaus, that Klaus would break me. But he hasn't and I feel like that still surprises Elijah it this day. It back fired on him when I actually fell in love with Klaus" I explain to Marcel as we pull up to the church.

"You and I, we will figure this out. Just get to the cemetery and stop Klaus" Marcel says as he gets out of the car.

"Got it" I say nodding my head, I drive off to the cemetery in what seems like the speed of light. Hey I'm a woman on a mission. I get out and run into the cemetery. I listen closely for voices but hear nothing. Suddenly I hear my name being called.

"Penelope.." A familiar voice says to me. I turn my head and see Rebekah come out of one of the tombs.

"Rebekah.." I say as I hug her tightly. "Glad to see you aren't dead" I say smiling to her.

"Penelope get out of this graveyard before Nik does something dastardly to you and that little baby inside of you" Rebekah says frantically.

"Hey, I'm staying to insure the safety of you. I'm not going to let my baby's father kill her aunt" I say to her with a smile, trying to reassure her that I'm going to be okay. I can tell Rebekah is listening hard to Klaus and Elijah's conversation but I can hear nothing.

"Get out of here Penelope" Rebekah says as she storms off in a rush, but I follow her and she steps out bravely to face someone. I step out with her and see Elijah and Klaus. Elijah with Papa Tundee's dagger, and Klaus with the white oak stake.

"Penelope..." Klaus and Elijah breathe out at the same time.

"Enough. Whatever I have done wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine. But, before you have it, I will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led to this" Rebekah snarls at Klaus. I just look at Klaus, the pure look of hate on his face strikes fear into my heart. I have never seen him so mad ever.

"Go on then, speak your peace, and when you are finished, I will grant you the punishment you deserve, even if I have to go through Elijah and Penelope to do so" Klaus growls at her.

"Wow Niklaus, threatening the woman who is carrying your child. Pathetic." Rebekah retorts to Klaus. Klaus's face and eyes flaring up with anger.

"Rebekah do not provoke him" Elijah warns Rebekah. Klaus just vampire speeds to the top of a tomb and sits up there with the white stake in his hand.

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