Chapter 28

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*If Penelope and Klaus are having issues please do not fret! All will make sense soon enough*

For the past few days, I have been staying at the Salvatore boarding house, by myself. I've just been collecting myself, and what I really want to do with my life. I mean, I have a teaching degree, I can always teach at Mystic Falls High school. That would be normal, right? A place where I wouldn't have to worry about vampires, werewolves or hybrids. Then I realize that I can never escape. It's impossible. I'm roped for life. I just clean around the boarding house to get my mind off of everything. Cleaning settles my mind.

"You kissed, my brother" I hear a low growl come from a few feet behind me. My heart practically falls to my feet, but the pounding of it remains in my ears. I turn around and see an fuming Klaus standing a few feet away from me.

"Klaus..." I breathe out, but nothing else seems to come out. He looks so hurt, and it kills me. I hurt him. I'm the one.

"Tell me what happened.." Klaus demands. My heart speeds up and I look at him, like a deer caught in head lights. I open my mouth but nothing comes out, the intimidation radiates off of him and punctures me. "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" He screams furiously as he takes steps towards me to get in my face.

"Okay... It was the night you and I got into the fight at the bar. I got home and Elijah was in my room, he and I started talking and he kissed me. It was just a kiss I swear! Klaus I never wanted to hurt you, that's why I pulled away. I didn't want to hurt you" I say as tears form in my eyes. Klaus looks at me still fuming, he takes a few steps back, looking at me disgusted.

"You know Penelope, I thought you were different than the others.. But you are not.. You are just as sneaky, and conniving as everyone else. You really had me fooled you know that? You betrayed me, and you know how I take betrayal" Klaus snarls at me, he looks at me a way he has never looked at me before, the love for me in his eyes covered by pure hatred.

"How did you even find this out?" I ask as I put my hands on my forehead and pace the room.

"Let's just say that Caroline has a big mouth, and I have good ears" Klaus snaps back at me. I'm not really sure what to say to him.

"Klaus, I am so, so sorry. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I love you Klaus. It's always been you and it's always going to be you" I tell him as I look into his watery blue eyes. His eyes waver for a second, but then the hatred floods them.

"I have learned not to trust your putrid and meaningless words" Klaus says in a low growl. I can tell he's so extremely hurt by me. I wish there was something that I could do to fix this.

"Please Klaus! You know that I never ever wanted to hurt you. Klaus, I love you. I can't lose you, please..." I breathe out desperately. Klaus walks towards me and makes me look into his eyes.

"I want you to look me in the eyes, and tell me that you feel nothing for him.." Klaus says, his voice lower than usually.

"It meant nothing Klaus" I say as tears cloud my eyes.

"I didn't say that! I said, look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel nothing for him, you feel not even a shred of romantic interest or wonder in him" Klaus says, making his voice calm but still shaking with anger. I close my eyes and blink away some of the tears. "Tell me the truth Penelope!" Klaus raises his voice to me. "Look me in the eye, and tell me you feel nothing for him" Klaus begins to yell at me.

"I can't!" I cry out. I cannot believe that I just admitted that to him. I can see the shear heart break on his face. I know that I just hurt him so badly. His hurt gets flooded by anger as he staggers back a few steps back.

Little Wolf (A vampire diaries and the originals story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang