Chapter 12

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I walk into my family home. God it seems like I haven't been here in forever. Klaus and I have been doing really well actually. He's an angry person but I try to calm that anger, and it seems to be working pretty well.

"P!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I turn my head and see my little brother Jeremy standing there, looking so grown up, and different.

"Jeremy!" I say as I run and hug him tightly. He's so tall and mature looking. It shocks me a little bit. "I missed you so much you booger!" I say as we separate from our hug.

"I know! It's been months! How have you been?" Jeremy asks me curiously.

"It's been well. But I had to come back home for you and Elena of course. But I came back and you weren't here. But, you are here now, and I'm so happy to see you" I say as I hug him again.

"Thanks P. I'm happy to see you too. But Elena says you've been gone a lot. Where have you been?" Jeremy asks me curiously. Alright, I really didn't want to explain this, but I will just dance around the question.

"Oh, I've been seeing someone, but you're here and I'm here to spend time with you" I say trying to shut any further questions down.

"Oh! Who have you been seeing?" Jeremy asks me intrigued. I look up at him, stunned for a second.

 "That's not important, do you want me to make you some mac and cheese or something?" I ask Jeremy, trying to escape to the kitchen.

"P... who are you seeing?" Jeremy asks with a teasing tone. I stop in my tracks and turn back around. I really don't want to tell him.

"Kl..aus" I mutter out quietly.



"Huh?" Jeremy asks curiously.

"KLAUS JEREMY! KLAUS!" I yell at him irritated. He looks at me absolutely shocked. Like that was the last person on his mind.

"You have been seeing Klaus?" Jeremy questions me angrily.

"Yes Jeremy, but that's not the point! The point is, you are here and are family is together again" I say trying to soften my approach. I reach for his hand but he backs away from me disgusted. He runs upstairs to his room and slams the door. I let out a deep exhale as I push a curl from my face. I go upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed, I begin to feel tears form in my eyes. I put my hands up to my face and sob quietly, knowing my brother hates me. I've been doing a lot of crying lately. Just about everything.

"Penelope.." I hear a familiar voice breathe out. I sit up and see Elijah standing in my room, looking at me.

"Hmm, decided to show up" I say as I wipe my tears away quickly.

"I apologize that I haven't visited you in a while" Elijah says as he comes over and sits at the edge of my bed.

"It's fine. I mean it's not like I needed you or anything with everything going on in my life" I say to him sarcastically.

"Please do not be angry with me Penelope" Elijah says in a soft tone.

"Oh wait, I forgot that you make it your life's mission to push me away so I don't catch more feelings for you and continue to put pressure on me to be with your little brother" I snap at him as I wipe more tears that continue to come down my cheeks.

"But you feel genuine feelings for Niklaus, Penelope. If you didn't I wouldn't have placed the importance on you being with him" Elijah defends.

"I do feel something great for him Elijah! But my family hates him! How am I suppose to be with someone they hate?" I ask Elijah as I feel more tears come to my eyes. Unexpectedly he pulls me into a hug against his broad chest, rubbing my back to calm me.

Little Wolf (A vampire diaries and the originals story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant