Chapter 31

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"Okay I got your 500,000 messages Klaus! This better be good" I yell to Klaus.

"Go away!" He shouts back at me, his voice sounding a bit sick.

"Klaus? Where are you?" I call through the house. I walk in and see him leaned against the piano set shirtless. He's all pale and sweaty and gross looking. "What the hell happened to you?" I ask him concerned.

"I need more time! Stop hounding me!" He yells at me.

"What are you talking about? You called me like a million times! You pulled me away from prom set up!" I say to him confused.

"Penelope... Is it really you?" Klaus asks me as he struggles to get up.

"Are you insane?"

"Prove it to me" He demands. I look at him, confused as all get out.

"Alright, you know what I really do not have time for this. Whatever sick game you are playing, it's not going to work" I say as I turn around, about to leave.

"Wait Penelope.. Please, Silas, he attacked me with the white oak stake" Klaus says desperately to me. I turn around and look at him intrigued. "There's a piece... a piece of it stuck inside me" Klaus stutters out.

"It doesn't make sense, why would Silas attack you?"

"Well, I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I'm hurt. So you can understand why I called you" Klaus says. I look at him with pity.

"Didn't know you trusted me that much" I say to him proudly.

"Well think of it as motivation, if I die. Everyone you love dies" Klaus says cunningly. I look at him and roll my eyes.

"What do I have to do?" I question.

"Well it's quite simple, really. I need you to cut the stake out of me" Klaus says as he looks at a pair of bloody pliers on the rug.

"Fine" I breathe out as I grab the pliers from the rug. "This might hurt, like a lot"


"Oh my God! You do have a heart" I joke as I root around in his back with the pliers. Klaus groans in pain. "Just kidding, it's a bloody rib" I say with a little laugh.

"I'm glad you find my pain amusing" Klaus says, his voice full of pain.

"I don't find your pain amusing. I did love you at one point in my life" I tell him as I root around in his back more.

"Happy to know that the love between us is gone" Klaus says through gritted teeth.

"Well, you wasted no time crushing every hope I had of us being together ever again" I say as I dig deeper into his back. He screams in pain and slams his hand on the piano top. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I say to him.

"You incessant woman! You broke my bloody heart and expect me to worship you! I hate you Penelope! I hope I've made that perfectly clear" Klaus howls in pain. Anger fills my body. I pull the pliers out and he growls in pain.

"No, we're playing by my rules. You can be an asshole all you want, it just means that I'm not going to do jack shit for you" I say as I walk over to the couch.

"Penelope!" Klaus yells at me.

"I want an apology" I say as I open up a magazine and start looking through it. Klaus groans and moans in pain. I try to act like I don't care but I hate seeing him in this much pain. This goes on for close to an hour, where he just claws at his back trying to get the stake out.

"I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. Help me!" Klaus insists angrily.

"No, not until I get an apology for you being mean to me" I say as I scroll through my phone.

"I will never apologize, I only spoke the truth" Klaus growls.

"Listen bud, I was trying to help you but you were mean and now I want an apology, it's as simple as that" I say looking up from my phone.

"After everything I've done for you, you can't do this one little thing" Klaus says in a tremendous amount of pain.

"Oh yes! After everything you've done for me! I honestly love how I've looked past every thing you've ever done, and I mean everything! You killed my aunt Klaus! I've never held that against you and do you realize how terrible I felt when I kissed Elijah? It absolutely killed me that I hurt you and you can't even look past the one bad thing I did to you! And now you make me out to be the bad guy and then ask for my help. You're pathetic" I hiss at him as I turn away. He vampire speeds in front of me.

"Don't turn your back on me" Klaus growls.

"I should've turned my back on you ages ago!" I scream at him. Everything goes silent and he looks at me, a sense of relief.

"It's gone" He breathes out.


"The pain" Klaus says as he touches his back. "The.. The pain is gone" Klaus breathes out. I don't catch on at first. "It was never there. He got in my head Silas" Klaus says putting his hand on his head. "got in my head.." Klaus says in amazement. He grabs my hand tenderly. "You Penelope.. You took my mind off of it. You brought me back" Klaus breathes out relieved.

"Hold on, if Silas can get into your mind, and make you think that you are dying.. What can he do to the rest of us?"


"So, I cleaned up everything. Sorry if it smells like bleach in here for like ever" I say to Klaus with a little laugh. He turns around and looks at me sincerely.

"Thank you, Penelope" Klaus breathes out as he looks into my eyes. A smile comes across my face.

"You know me, I take care of the people around me" I say as I wipe my hands off with a towel. He comes towards me and puts his hand on my cheek. I tense up a bit as he kisses the top of my head. He looks down at me.

"I do not hate you Penelope" Klaus says looking into my eyes.

"I know" I say smiling up at him. This is all I ever wanted, I know he drives me insane and pushes every single button I have, but all I ever wanted was him... and I.

-Thank you guysss so much for reading! I love you so so so much! Please do not forget to vote, comment and read of course! I love you all! XO

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