The Past

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"What's wrong?" The Doctor asked.

"There's Daleks in a spaceship just above here." Amy replied.

The Doctor ran over to the console, Astrea by his side, and then she froze when she looked at the screen.

"Astrea, what's wrong." The Doctor asked with worry in his voice.

"We can't go there." Astrea finally spoke.

"What? Why not?"

"There are two life forms on board that ship..."

"And that's a reason for us to go up there and stop them." The Doctor argued.

"And one of them is going to die." Astrea paused before saying "Because of me." She moved and sat down on the chair looking at the floor. "I'm on the Dalek ship with someone and currently their near the heart of the ship."

The Doctor looked at the screen and saw she was correct. "I'm... sorry, Astrea. I truly am." He sat beside her and was trying to think of something to say to comfort her. She didn't want the Doctor to see her cry again, so she left and headed to her room, leaving the Doctor, Amy and Rory in the console room.


Astrea stayed in her room for the next few days. She couldn't bring herself to leave her bed. She hadn't slept at all. When she turned around she saw what she looked like from a small bedside mirror. Her brown eyes were red and her long brown hair was messy. She looked terrible.

The Doctor came up several times as well as Amy and Rory asking if she'd come out but she never replied. It was eleven O'clock at night and she heard a knock on the door. "Astrea?" The Doctor spoke. "Astrea, I don't know if your awake or not but all I'm going to say is I know how you feel." The Doctor put his back against the door and sat down. "Losing someone you care about. It hurts but you can't allow that to rule your life." He paused a second and sighed before he continued. "So will you please come out. Me, Amy and Rory will help you through this. I promise."

The Doctor stayed for a while expecting an answer but never got one. He let out another sigh before getting up and leaving. Astrea was under the covers of her bed and whispered to herself, "I know." Then fell asleep shortly after midnight.


Astrea woke up around five in the morning and three hours later Amy and Rory knocked on the door saying 'good morning' along with the Doctor. They started asking her to come out again but then walked away when the TARDIS said something was happening.

Astrea was thinking about what the Doctor said last night and finally left her room. When she got to the console room she saw it was empty so she headed underneath the console and sat on the swing. Waiting.


A few hours had passed when the TARDIS door opened and Amy, Rory and the Doctor ran to the console trying to leave where ever they were. "I'm going to try and get Astrea out of her room Doctor. Goodness knows what the poor girl's feeling." Amy spoke.

"OK then. I'll be up later the TARDIS needs a bit of modification again." The Doctor called out to Amy as she left the room.

Rory asked the Doctor "What are we going to do if she doesn't come out."

"We'll just try again. I can't stand seeing her like that. God only knows what she's been through."

"DOCTOR!!" Amy called out. "Astrea's not in her room. The door's open but she's not there."

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