ch.34 Mind over matter

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I stared at Jimmy for as long as my eyes were dry. He blinked, breaking my gaze.

"Y-you're lying" I spoke up.

Jimmy shook his head slowly and held my hands more firmly. 

I pulled away.

"Tar" he stated calmly.

"YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed. 

But I knew he was telling the truth. He had been right about Sebastian and I knew he was right about Zayn but I couldn't accept it. I just couldn't.

"Then do something, Jimmy!" I squeaked.


"You have to save him. You have to bring him back!" I ordered desperately. I grabbed his tie and tugged, nearly making him choke.


I struck Jimmy hard against his cheek. He stared at me and rubbed his face slowly.

"Jimmy" I gasped.

"Tar" he spoke slowly. "I'm sorry but I can't do anything. He's gone" Jimmy whispered.

I swallowed hard.

Then I burst into tears and nearly fell to my knees but Jimmy caught me and hugged me awkwardly. He rubbed my back slowly, but it wasn't soothig despite how desperately Jimmy was trying to help.

I closed my eyes a moment and stained Jimmy's under shirt with my tears. He didn't dare complain, though. It was enough that he had just told me the last bit of news I would ever want to hear.

Now where did I go? Back to Sebastian? He won't want me after I ran away and I certainly don't want him. 

Jimmy wiped my tear from my cheek.

"Sebastian is still looking for you" he told me. 

I clenched my teeth anxiously and looked down at the ground.

Jimmy tilted my chin up to meet his gaze.

"But I won't let him find you" he declared.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed the life out of his lon but meek body.

Suddenly, I looked up at Jimmy and his eyes were soft, on the verge of tears maybe. He was tall and kind and his heart was soft. I liked Jimmy. He was a good guy but I would never be happy with anyone except Zayn, no matter how great a person Jimmy was.

A door slammed open from down the hall, making me clutch Jimmy's neck that much tighter. 

He gasped. 

I loosened my grip.

Jimmy led me closer to the noise but we pressed ourselves against the brick walls so no one saw us. Jimmy peaked over the pillar we hid behind and his breath hitched. He turned to me suddenly and grabbed my shoulders to stead me. 

But I wasn't falling. 

Jimmy stared into my eyes as if he'd just witnessed a murder. 

My hands shook and he gripped my shoulders more tightly to calm me and himself.

"There's a way" he told me. Then he grew quiet.

I stared at his lips, urging him to spit it out.

"What?" What can I do!?" I squeaked.

Jimmy kissed my cheek. 

"Blood...pearl...curse" he whispered. 

I shoved at Jimmy's chest and ran to the room that Zayn and Madame Linelle had been in just a few minutes ago...

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