ch.11- Unleashed

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We had breakfast in silence. Well, it was silent for me, but the smug grin on Zayn's face told me that he was having fun reading my thoughts or just plain staring at me.

I casually looked down at my dress to make sure I was flashing him my bra or my corset from hell wasn't peaking out. 

"I can't read your thoughts" he announced, breaking the silence and making me jump a little. 

"Oh, you can't?" I raised my voice. 

How did he know I was thinking about him thinking about me?

"I'm just very receptive with people" he grinned as he found the proper word to describe his psychotic possession issues. 

The older woman grinned at Zayn and nodded at me as if acting as a second witness to his "talent" or power.

"Well if you're so receptive, you'd realize that I want to le-" I started retort, but I stopped myself. I have to pretend that I'm enjoying myself if I ever want to leave.

Zayn rubbed his jaw slowly, curious as to why I had stopped in mid-sentence when I normally either screamed or banged my fists against his chest.

"-That I want to go to the beach" I finished hurriedly. 

Zayn cocked his dark, heavy brow and the green in his dark-lashed hazel eyes gleamed for a moment.

"To the beach?" he repeated.

I nodded and looked down at my lap.

"But that is outside my castle" he stated obviously.

"Am I not aloud to get fresh air while I am your pris-princess?" I corrected myself quickly.

Zayn rubbed the stubble on his chin and laughed.

"Of course you can get fresh air, I don't want my princess to get sick" he flashed an eager grin. 

I smiled. It's working...

Zayn stood upright almost immediately and walked over to my end of the dining room table. He held out his arm to me and I took it hesitantly.

Two faceless guards hidden in their suits of silver armor parted the doors when Zayn nodded.

I shielded my eyes from the immense brightness of the sun, the beautiful, golden sun which I hadn't seen this close since God knows when.

The rays of sunlight sent a surge or warmth to my back, exciting me and lightening my mood with every step I took.

He led me over to a shady spot in the sand where he already had a hammock prepared for us. He sat first as if proving to me that it wasn't some other kind of mystical torture device that might make me a more obedient prisoner.

"Well, don't you want to sit?" he asked with a teasing grin.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"Of course" I smiled warmly. I started to sit down beside him, but it was a hammock, made for laying, laying really close to one another. 

I bit down on my lower lip when Zayn pulled me gently, but eagerly into his lap.  He lifted the ruffles of my dress and patted them down once we were semi-comfortable.

The smug grin on his face told me he  was well past comfortable and as much as I hated to say it, so was I.

"Is there a key to your castle?" I asked him quietly. 

He turned to look at me and he watched my face a moment before answering.

"Why, yes of course. How else would we get in, or keep others out" he winked.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now